Super Famicom not loading games :(

Started by Alucard, May 30, 2008, 12:26:19 pm

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Hey everyone, just found this site. I just picked up a mint Super Famicom earlier today with a bunch of games for a great price. However when I go to power up a game, I get no video/audio... The screen sort of "flicks" for a second, but none of the games load up at all. The power light is on and the machine and games are all in mint condition. Any advice on what it could be? Thanks!



Are you hooked up through an RF adapter or through A/V cables?


I've tried both the A/V cables and the S-Video one to no avail, on two different televisions. Unfortunately I don't have an RF adapter to try.



May 30, 2008, 01:32:43 pm #5 Last Edit: May 30, 2008, 01:42:54 pm by Alucard

Wow... Upon inspecting the cartridges, it appears that every game is a PAL version :/ I'm guessing there is no way to get these to play on my televisions.. Ugh.


You could deactivate the lockout chip inside your SFC.


I didn't think it worked like that for SFC's. just famicoms. Do you have a link to a tutorial I can do this with? I would love to own some pal snes games. :)


This is the same for the Super Famicom?


Yup. Ever noticed that a North American SNES plays SFC games perfectly? That's because American and Japanese machines have the same CIC chip.