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Something that annoys you

Started by ericj, June 06, 2008, 05:22:35 pm

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I think just about any where you go, there's bad cyclists as well as bad drivers. It's a shame people can be so reckless, but some countries are really bad with their traffic and I'm glad I don't have to deal with the lawless roads of say India. (Plenty of YouTube videos showing what I mean)

I don't know if I can agree with the whole chemical, dust particle argument though. No matter what we're doing, we're exposed to harmful things daily and you can get a lung full, even while in a Car. If you live in a City or even if you don't; But lets say NY for example and a building is on fire, you could be walking down the street 2 blocks away and breathe in who knows what. (Happened to me once, very strange smelling stuff, hope it wasn't asbestos). Tried my best to avoid that area.


July 30, 2013, 02:03:26 pm #1171 Last Edit: July 30, 2013, 02:32:34 pm by ericj
You inhale more deeply while exercising and take more breaths, which is why it causes more damage--greater exposure.  ;)

Either way, people will do whatever they want. I'll continue to just laugh to myself when I hear about all the health benefits, especially when coupled with the obsessive-compulsive behavior most cyclists (and runners) exhibit, pressure on the prostate from the bike seat which leads to ED and potentially prostate cancer (for males, anyways), systemic/cardiovascular inflammation and adrenal fatigue from over-doing cardio all the time (re: exercising when you should be resting), and other stuff like wasted muscle mass and lowered testosterone levels. That's why hardcore cyclists are always in a jolly good mood, just like all the obsessive compulsive runners who overdo running...look like emaciated stick figures with grumpy dispositions...especially the older folks. Young people can get away with it for awhile but it WILL catch up with you as you age and your body's recovery rate declines.

Jedi Master Baiter

Quote from: ericj on July 30, 2013, 02:03:26 pm
wasted muscle mass and lowered testosterone levels. That's why hardcore cyclists are always in a jolly good mood, just like all the obsessive compulsive runners who overdo running...look like emaciated stick figures with grumpy dispositions...especially the older folks.

Wow, ericj! What a mouthful. Do you have anything else you'd like to get off your chest?


I need to get myself a bike with a kidlet seat in it :P I don't know how to drive and the bus gets irritating when there is only one an hour! I tend to give way to motorists and thanks for the info on pollutants too I'd not thought about that since i live in a semi rural area.

Waiting for things i've bought off ebay is pretty annoying too -_-


July 30, 2013, 05:45:19 pm #1174 Last Edit: July 30, 2013, 08:05:33 pm by ericj
Quote from: Jedi QuestMaster on July 30, 2013, 04:14:32 pm
Quote from: ericj on July 30, 2013, 02:03:26 pm
wasted muscle mass and lowered testosterone levels. That's why hardcore cyclists are always in a jolly good mood, just like all the obsessive compulsive runners who overdo running...look like emaciated stick figures with grumpy dispositions...especially the older folks.

Wow, ericj! What a mouthful. Do you have anything else you'd like to get off your chest?

Well, I live in Portland, Oregon, so I've seen my fair share of self-righteous bikers.

Personally, I take public transportation (bus or tram) to and from work, ride my bike occasionally, and drive occasionally.

My main issue is with people who make biking a lifestyle and talk shit about people who drive cars instead. Everyone has got their own reasons to do what they do, but painting biking as a "save the world", "look at me, I'm being so healthy", and "you're as asshole if you drive" type of activity wins zero points from me. If you like it, do it. If you don't, don't. Just don't make it out to be something greater than it really is. I'm not saying anyone on here is doing that, but there are definitely people who do.


Quote from: security16 on July 30, 2013, 05:10:13 pm
I need to get myself a bike with a kidlet seat in it :P I don't know how to drive and the bus gets irritating when there is only one an hour! I tend to give way to motorists and thanks for the info on pollutants too I'd not thought about that since i live in a semi rural area.

Waiting for things i've bought off ebay is pretty annoying too -_-

Can totally agree with waiting for packages in the mail, It's like getting presents.

I'm not worried about pollutants in any difference because I ride. I imagine it should be a concern for someone whom has a hereditary issue with their lungs and breathing though, like asthma and such. 

I live in a pretty built up area, but there's not many bike lanes. I tend to ride on the Side Walk as much as possible if there's no bike lane but make sure with your local laws that your allowed to.



Everything we do (or don't do) has positive and negative effects on our health. If I weren't a bicyclist, I'd be a typically sedentary American. I'm putting myself at risk for some things doing so, but I'm still getting exercise. When it comes down to it, the exercise is doing me more good than harm. Our species didn't evolve to sit behind a desk or on a couch all day. The sedentary lifestyle that comes with our modern culture is extremely detrimental to our health, and those who stay active do statistically live longer, healthier lives. It's good for our hearts, and it relieves stress.

I'm sorry you've dealt with self-absorbed tools on bikes, but don't paint all cyclists with the same brush. I'm hardly a health nut, or a bike supremacist. I am someone who rides a bike almost every day. It's a logical, efficient, enjoyable, and cheap form of transportation for me. I realize there are others who could not practice this lifestyle, and I don't begrudge them for it.
Can Nintendo Age Beat Every NES Game in 2015?



Quote from: Magicantian on July 30, 2013, 05:58:08 pm

Can totally agree with waiting for packages in the mail, It's like getting presents.

Ha it arrived about an hour after I posted about waiting!
It was just a DSI with a trashed bottom screen but hurrah it will live again

Having nightmares about  several different ways my ex could kill me and being awake before 5am is getting pretty close to the heights of annoying.


Quote from: security16 on July 31, 2013, 12:25:23 pm
Quote from: Magicantian on July 30, 2013, 05:58:08 pm

Can totally agree with waiting for packages in the mail, It's like getting presents.

Ha it arrived about an hour after I posted about waiting!
It was just a DSI with a trashed bottom screen but hurrah it will live again

Having nightmares about  several different ways my ex could kill me and being awake before 5am is getting pretty close to the heights of annoying.

Whoo, what color did you get? One thing you can do that would relatively cost effective, would be to change the locks for sure. If you're also getting phone calls that put trouble on your mind, if you have a smart phone there's a number of applications out there to record calls automatically.

You could also, depending on the law in your area, get a relatively cheap stun gun you can keep under your pillow at night, it might put your mind to rest somewhat.

One self defense technique against men is a swift strike to the adams apple, sure to knock anyone down for more than a minute.

Just keep in mind with time, things get better.


I got a barbie pink DSI. I've already changed the locks, Stun guns are illegal but I do know how to defend myself as i was a bouncer for 5 years :D I know the ex wouldn't do anything while I have the kidlet. but he's attempting to take custody and since he's abused my son i'm very concerned about him having contact with him. My ex is a slimy asshole though he's already decreased the response time of police to my house by 20 minutes with his crap and each time they take his word for what happened and don't even bother hearing me out.  It is possible that my son has autism or is somewhere on the spectrum and actually requires special care instead of being beaten for being "naughty" but good thing is he starts pre-school on monday so he can learn how to be with other kids and the pre school will help me with being able to effectively manage his behaviour. These things his father would completely dismiss as he flat out refused to let me get him tested for autism (There is a genetic link to it in my family) and refused to let him go to pre-school. But he's gone and hopefully he won't be able to take him from me 


When you've been hoping that the multi adapter power supply you bought will work your famicom without melting the fucker then you find you had one of the sega power supply packs that are compatible ALL THIS FUCKING TIME!


A new pimple right in the center of my face above my nose on family portrait day.  :'(


^I've taken pictures of people before who are really worried about that sort of thing, but with the advent of Photoshop, it really isn't a concern anymore!
I like to glitch old VHS tapes and turn them into visuals for live music events. Check out what I'm working on - www.instagram.com/tylerisneat


The weather right now in Japan.
It hasn't rained for quite a long time and the weather was always good.
Tomorrow a school friend of mine will come to visit me here during his tour through Japan, and guess what. It will rain. Exactly Saturday and Sunday. After that it will be sunny again. Crap.  >:(


The pure fiction in the legal documents that came with my divorce papers