Something that annoys you

Started by ericj, June 06, 2008, 05:22:35 pm

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Quote from: Bob-Bob on July 31, 2014, 09:32:48 pm
It's not a card game, it's a board game. And I've never heard of any NES game based on it. Playing the game in digital form doesn't sound all that enticing, to be honest.  :(

Better than nothing, right?
Family Bits - Check Progress Below!


Heck I like the look of that actually!
My for Sale / Trade thread


The weather in Japan in August.
So far there hasn't been a single completely sunny day.
It's always either cloudy or raining.  >:(


 >:( right now pretty much everything. I'm just so angry that my ex husband is allowed to harass and terrorise me and gets away with it and I get told i'm the one thats in the wrong. Also my brain is being a scumbag and insisting on dreaming about the recent ex boyfriend and telling me how I fucked that up good and proper  >:(

:fire:  :fire: Fuck everything today this lady wants to watch the world burn  :fire: :fire:


That site aliexpress, when it's impossible to pay by PayPal, and not even with A. Express card ! ! !   >:(

Any similar sites ? i mean aliexpress is good site, and prices are quite low , it's much cheaper than ebay.


It's an online wholesaler often you need to be buying in massive quantities and you often need to be a business. It is really just an index of suppliers and you have to trade through the actual supplier rather than the website itself. Learned that whilst actually trying to source stuff for a business and nobody takes american express these days because they charge the merchants like wounded bulls to accept it - ???


That's true - though I don't understand why merchants don't just levy an AMEX charge on like they do for credit card etc.
My for Sale / Trade thread


I just got banned from neogaf for suggesting Zoe you-know-who reaped what she sowed by cheating on her boyfriend with a bunch of other guys, then lied to him about it.

I've been cheated on by a girl who I thought I would be spending the rest of my life with. I was a lot younger, more naive then, but it crushed me.
So I have sympathy for the ex-boyfriend and anyone whose significant other cheats on them, lies to them, strings them along, and makes them feel they should be feeling bad about doubting loyalty.

Anyway, it's annoying that I got banned for that.  I'm not even touching the 'did it for her career conspiracy'. I don't believe that.  I'm just defending the guy who got emotionally trampled in the relationship.

Sheesh.  Some people though. How dare I not show support for the promiscuous, lying cheater.

And that's all I have to say about that. I don't want to get banned here too for stating my opinion.  :-X


August 27, 2014, 09:22:17 am #1434 Last Edit: August 27, 2014, 09:30:01 am by L___E___T
Odd that they'd ban you for that, considering the level of conversation often encountered there.

Post Merge: August 27, 2014, 09:29:05 am

Turns out they're banning people for talking about it generally - a phase you'd probably have been better off steering clear of, but relax, such is GAF.
My for Sale / Trade thread


I think some people are so emotionally invested in the drama they take it personally.

I know there's baggage in this word too, but a lot of these people really do behave like they think they're white knights.

Say whatever you want about Phil Fish, but god forbid you don't support a person if they happen to be of the female gender.


You won't get banned here for trivial stuff like that.  ;D


Quote from: L___E___T on August 27, 2014, 09:22:17 am
Odd that they'd ban you for that, considering the level of conversation often encountered there.

Post Merge: August 27, 2014, 09:29:05 am

Turns out they're banning people for talking about it generally - a phase you'd probably have been better off steering clear of, but relax, such is GAF.

Well here's the reason I got: 

QuoteYou have been banned for the following reason:
Trying to blame a person for their own harassment and even defending that harassment as "making a statement" is disgusting. Also, Batman? BATMAN!?

I said what I said here. That she reaped what she sowed by cheating on her loyal boyfriend with 5 other guys.
The group was talking about a nsfw comic that JonTron had linked to about the hypocrisy of the Zoe thing. It was wasn't unlike something you'd see in MAD Magazine, but some people were calling it pornographic. I said 'I saw, the comic, and wouldn't call it pornographic, but it is making a statement' .       That's undebatable. It's most definitely making a statement.  I wasn't defending the comic by the way. That's literally all I said about that.  But I was banned for defending the comic and the act of doing so was 'disgusting'.

If I got banned for just talking about it, alrighty, but there were pages and pages of people talking about it. I guess they just ban the people who have negative things to say about her.

As to show I'm not taking it all too seriously, I mentioned how Batman would throw her into Arkham for her injustice to the boyfriend, but I guess that just pissed the mod off further.  Who knows.
Power abuse.  Deleting posts and delivering a warning would have been more acceptable.  but this is 'bam, I don't like you because you're not on my side'.

Well whatever. I need to spend more time on Famicom World anyway!  :bub:

Quote from: manuel on August 27, 2014, 06:08:13 pm
You won't get banned here for trivial stuff like that.  ;D



Yes that's pretty daft, you could always make a new account though right?
My for Sale / Trade thread


It's not a permaban, so I can post again in 3-4 weeks.

Really I waste a lot of time on there I could spend being productive, so I'm sort of happy about it. What makes me irritated is that I couldn't participate in the discussion because I wasn't joining in on the circle jerk opinion.

But yeah, that's done.

What irritates you, L_E_T?