Famicom Handbills (disk-kun.com) - UPDATED Sept 2017

Started by ckenda1, July 11, 2008, 10:41:13 pm

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turbo D -- Thanks!

133MHZ -- Sorry, no HQ scans in the fear that people will reproduce them thus significantly reducing their value.


Navigation is easy and straightforward.
Looks great!


Nice, man. Since you've got all the good ones, makes sense to have a site for them.


Retro Gaming Life  www.retrogaminglife.com


The scans look so clean and nice, how do you do that? Expensive scanner?


You can do wonders with a cheap/midrange scanner and some clever image manipulation in software ;).


I need more experience.
My scans always come out *meh*.  :-\

turbo D

My advice for quality scans is to import your scans into your image editing software and adjust the levels. You'd be surprised what a small level adjustment can do for a scan or photo.
FC HVC-001 HC4593710 CPU-GPM-02 1989
FDS HVC-022 D1072158 FD7201P 6602 + new belt!
My FF setup!


I have to say that I really enjoyed looking at that site, thanks for putting them up!



August 03, 2009, 08:59:55 am #25 Last Edit: August 03, 2009, 08:11:33 pm by ckenda1
Got it when GoDaddy had a $1 domain special last year. :)

Also, thanks for the kind words guys.  Lots of time has been spent on the scans and there is still more work to be done.



This is great!  Awsome job!

One quick question...can you make out what the Mario 3 object is at the bottom of the Kaettekita Mario Bros handbill?  Did some amateur translation of the game a while back and it mentioned a Mario 3 "Cassette" as one of the prizes...wondering if that's it or not.

Keep up the good work!  Can't wait to see more!


Famicom cartridges are sometimes referred to as cassettes.
I like to glitch old VHS tapes and turn them into visuals for live music events. Check out what I'm working on - www.instagram.com/tylerisneat


It's nothing more than an advertisement for the "upcoming" release of SMB3.  There are even ads in game about SMB3.

Hope that helps.