Famicom Storage Solutions?

Started by Champignon, July 19, 2008, 12:11:42 pm

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I don't know about you people, but as my Famicom collection grows, I find my cart collection taking up a larger and larger share of my floor.  I was wondering if anybody here had a particular way in which they store their Famicom carts?  (Especially in a way in which one's collection can still be admired).  I may just bite the bullet and get some drawers for a bookshelf, but I couldn't help but wonder what the people at Famicom World use...


I don't have mine set up anywhere, but if you're looking at storage, I've found that paper ream boxes fit carts nearly perfectly.


Someone (nurd?) mentioned in a previous thread that famicom games fit perfectly in Sega Genesis loose storage cases...
Dance, puppets... dance!



That's where I have Kid Dracula :D


You could do what I do and store them in Universal Media Cases. Universal Media Cases are hard plastic cases akin to DVD cases that can hold natively SNES, Genesis, N64, Neo-Geo and CD Jewel cases. You'll have to create your own inserts, like I have, but the effort is well worth it. Just check these out:

and a much better look:

and here's the prize of my collection, my complete Rockman set with custom labels!

and a much better look:

And in case your wondering what these look on the front, here's my set of Megaman 1-6, which are modified from the Rockman labels. I don't have a picture of the Rockman set right now, but here's basically the same cover, just with the English Megaman title where the Rockman logo would be. I basically edited my edited work  ;D These covers were a pain to do since I wanted to maintain a uniformed style.

and a closeup:


I have some wooden boxes made to size to store carts from different systems. You can stack them on top of each other to save space if you like.


Wow, satoshi_matrix , those are awesome!  :o

Wanna make a set for my collection?  :P

Where'd you buy all the Universal Media Cases?


Fantastic box art & a great idea - love it  ;D.
Plant you, feed you, grow you like a flower, like NINTENDO now you're playing with power!!


July 19, 2008, 08:24:04 pm #8 Last Edit: July 19, 2008, 09:05:29 pm by nurd
A lot of game rental places use those.

dEsuDIT: I have these racks for holding PEZ that I'm thinking of putting NES or FAMICOM cartridges in. If I ever get around to it, I'll be sure to tell how it looks :P


Those are very nice looking cases, makes me wonder why I bother spending so much time tracking down boxes and manuals...


I stack them up in my closet lol....but they are kinda hard to get out when I want to find just one.
Retro Gaming Life  www.retrogaminglife.com


Quote from: satoshi_matrix on July 19, 2008, 08:05:39 pm
Pictures and Words

Wow, that's astounding!  Hopefully I'll find some time to do that in the future.  As for now, however, I've found a type of cloth box available at Target, that let me fit about 54 carts into it.  It's about perfect, as a famicom cart is 4.25 inches wide, and the thing is 12.75 inches from inside to inside.  It'll do in a pinch, and it clears up some much needed floor space.

But seriously, once I settle down and get a place of my own, I'm definitely doing what you're doing Satoshi.
It'd be a nice project to work on, too.


July 20, 2008, 12:59:24 am #12 Last Edit: July 20, 2008, 01:05:52 am by Champignon
Quote from: satoshi_matrix on July 19, 2008, 08:05:39 pm
and a much better look:

Also, not to rain on your parade, but you've misspelled "Dentetsu" in Japanese on your Super Momotarou Dentetsu spine.
As it is, you have it written as "Super Momotarou Dentsute".  The last two characters should go the other way around, if this is the proper title. スパモモタロウでんてつ。
This is in no way meant to diminish your awesome work, but I thought if you were going through all of this trouble to put the Japanese on the spines, you'd like to know.

EDIT: Your Solomon's Key box reads "Solomon No Owo" right now.  The correct spelling in hiragana would be ソロモンのかぎ。


I have a shelf sized, so that I can lay the on their side with the top label facing out. My shelf can hold 200 famicom games but currently only has like 27.


Quote from: ericj on July 19, 2008, 08:11:18 pm
Wow, satoshi_matrix , those are awesome!  :o

Wanna make a set for my collection?  :P

Where'd you buy all the Universal Media Cases?

I bought them at mediashelving.com if memory serves. If you like in the US its not that bad. I had to pay something like ~$130 in shipping, but thats because I bought 400 cases.

btw PM me. I might be able to do something for your collection as well. Tell me what games you have and if have access to some box art and a scanner and we could be in buisness.