List of NES-exclusives ported to Famicom

Started by JC, August 06, 2008, 09:13:13 pm

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August 06, 2008, 09:13:13 pm Last Edit: March 24, 2010, 06:41:02 pm by JC
Below is the beginnings of a list of NES-exclusive games known to have been ported to Famicom.

Captain America and the Avengers
Captain Planet and the Planeteers
Contra Force
Cybernoid: The Fighting Machine
Felix the Cat (?)
Flintstones 2: Surprise at Dinosaur Peak
Flying Warriors
Joe and Mac
Jungle Book, The
Kick Master
Legendary Wings
Lion King, The
Mario is Missing
Mechanized Attack (?)
Monster in My Pocket (?)
Punisher, The
Snake Rattle N Roll
Star Tropics (?)
Tailspin (?)
TMNT: Tournament Fighters
Toxic Crusaders


Um, excuse for bumping this, but when did Contra Force get ported to Famicom? Or was it not official?


Contra Force was never officially released for Famicom. I've seen it as Famicom pirates. "NES-exclusive" indicates that it was released for the NES and not the Famicom.


We identified Rollergames in another thread.  It only had a US and EU release.

Actually, I'd bet most of the games published by Ultra were US/EU only releases.  FYI, Ultra is actually Konami.  NoA had some stupid rule that limited the number of NES games a publisher could put out in a year.  So, Konami created Ultra so that they could release more games per year. 


Quote from: JC on October 13, 2008, 07:49:47 pm
Contra Force was never officially released for Famicom. I've seen it as Famicom pirates. "NES-exclusive" indicates that it was released for the NES and not the Famicom.

Yes I know. I was just confused by the topic title "... ported to Famicom". So I thought a company ported the NES-only title into famicom cart, officially.

Jedi Master Baiter


I don't think we've confirmed it. I want photographic proof of a Famicom board with Legendary Wings on it.


The Lion King, Jungle Book, Alladin and Flinstones 2


Did Mechanized Attack have a Famicom release?


Blades of Steel

I'm not sure about this game.... I don't know if it was released for the Famicom or the FDS with another name !


There's a pirate version of TMNT: Tournament Fighters on the Famicom



I have a port of Cybernoid: The Fighting Machine; it was never officially on Famicom.


Just to add to the list:

Startropics DID NOT have a Famicom release. It's sequel Zoda's Revenge: Startropics 2 didn't as well.