Super Fighter (Contra hack)

Started by mgman, October 23, 2008, 09:22:05 pm

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Here are videos of this Super C hack:

Part 1
Part 2
Part 3

Now, I realize that this is probably that "extensive" Super C hack located on the 95-in-1 Gunboy. However, my question is:

First, this game is titled as Super Fighter on a single/lone cart. However, on the 95-in-1, it seems to lack a title. Also, my version has a gun selecting option, apart from level select. So, when you choose the game from the list of 95 games, what do they title it? Super Fighter?


Yes, it's SuperC. I recognize the placement of enemies.

It's got several names on the multi: Super Fight [not "Fighter"] (starts on Stage 3), Special Mission (starts on Stage 5), Final Fight (starts on Stage 8). I can't figure out how to access stages 1 and 2, but the little demo cut away if you don't start the game right away shows them.

And the game starts you with the "S" powerup weapon -- whatever that's called. No weapon select and no level select other than on the general multi menu screen as noted above.


Say, doesn't the title screen feature the level select already? It's the little text above the player select, it says "Area 3" or whatever it may be. You should be able to control this external option with up and down (that is the level select).


There's no level select. I can only select 1 or 2 players.


But doesn't the screenshot you provided in the other thread show the level select cheat already in the title screen?
Here is the thread with that pic:
As you can see, it says "Area 3". This text should not appear unless there's level select cheat (in the original NES Super Contra, that is). When that text is visible, you should be able to press up/down to cycle levels.


The text is there but it doesn't change no matter what button I push.


Must be that this thing requires a specific system, or even the original Gunboy "controller" type of system in order to work some controls. OR, the game was program-glitched when it was put into the cart.


Or the Gunboy company removed the level select feature.