Additions to the Cart/Disks list section

Started by Lorfarius, December 04, 2008, 07:34:52 am

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Please dont shoot me down as this is just an idea! FW is by far the biggest and Famicom related website on the web. I'm not just saying that, as a quick look on Google doesnt come up with much that can even claim to come close to this place and the forum for me has been a God send on several occasions.

However one thing I feel this place is missing is at least a short blurb for each game, perhaps a review or gameplay description with say an image or two just to show what each game is actually like. My main thoughts behind this having just started collecting for the Fami myself is that this place will usually be the first place people call, the forum is always full of folks asking for recommendations on games or even how certain games play so I'm sure a catalogue of reviews/images would be a big benefit.

Of course something like that would be a BIG step but I think with the community behind the forums backing it wouldn't take long to at least start building a catalogue of reviews.

As an example heres a link to a game on the FDS section of the site:

It would be great if at the bottom there was blurb of say a few hundred words and possibly an image as well.
My own Retro gaming YouTube channel:


Yes, we do plan on having at least screenshots for every game.  In due time...

Some games do already have additional info and/or screenshots:


Well... hey when you guys start pulling together to get that database filled drop me a line. I'd be happy to help out! I do game reviews in my free time (what little is left...) so it'll be just like business as usual!


Didnt realise you had already started  :D But that Maharaja one is a good example. I have no idea what type of game it is or even if I need to be fluent in Japanese to play it. A quick review or blurb at the bottom would work wonders on that.

We could do with a cross forum post asking for folks to help out with writing as it would be done in no time.
My own Retro gaming YouTube channel:


That's really more JC's thing than mine.  I'm just the IT guy  ;D


Will do, once the IT guy has the new design ready to go. All content work is on hold until then. I'm eager to get new content, and I'm glad to hear others are willing to help.


My own Retro gaming YouTube channel: