Takahashi Meijin no Bugtte Honey

Started by skyrunner14, December 06, 2008, 07:05:28 pm

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OK, so I'm surfing eBay, looking for potential additions to my Famicom collection (composed of two games... nice collection, huh?), when I come across THIS: http://tinyurl.com/59jdnz
I know of the Adventure Island series, but I've never seen OR heard of this one before. Really! What a mystery! Where'd it come from? So, anyone willing to help solve the mystery?
Would you please sign my petition? Hopefully, it will get Another Code R released in America. The link is here: http://www.gopetition.com/online/28991.html


That price is expensive for that game.

Also, the game isn't fun. It's not easy to describe, you are some fairy thing and you move around, I guess. xD


The full title is Takahashi Meijin no Bug-tte Honey. It's a spinoff game thar stars a small female fairy bee thing. The gameplay differs from the typical Takahashi Meijin style.

Cool fact: apparently, the title was popular enough in Japan to warrant a children's anime.  Here's a video of its oh-so-80s-opening.



It seems I was mistaken about the order of the anime and game.

The Honey the Bug game for Famicom was based off of this anime, not the other way around, while the anime itself was loosely based on the Adventure Island series.