Famicare 101 (Questions about caring for your Famicom)

Started by super56k, September 26, 2006, 06:00:25 pm

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Haha. A lot of jargon in there that I don't understand. But, we'd love to have something about this for the site.  :-*


I am currently working on a homepage...  details to follow.


I am getting a famicom for christmas but I need to work on stuff before it is in a good home. I need to know the following:

Humidity - can it affect any game system or cartridge/disk?
Temperature - is basic room temperature ok for the system?
and Electric - Is a step down converter necessary if I use the original ac adaptor in a power strip or electric outlet?

Thank you in advance for any advice you can give me.
Now you're playing with Power


Quote from: Rob64 on November 15, 2008, 05:18:51 pm
Humidity - can it affect any game system or cartridge/disk?
Temperature - is basic room temperature ok for the system?
and Electric - Is a step down converter necessary if I use the original ac adaptor in a power strip or electric outlet?

Thank you in advance for any advice you can give me.

Humidity - Can effect disks but as long as you store them properly in their cases they should be fine.
Temperature - Unless you are keeping it in an oven or refirdgerator the system will be fine.
Electric - You havent said which part of the world you are from but if its not Japan theres a good chance you will need a stepdown convertor.
My own Retro gaming YouTube channel: http://www.youtube.com/user/Lorfarius


Oh sorry, I am from America.

I did ask the owner of japan game stock and this is what he said when I asked about the converter:

"Ac in Japan and US are the same..you do not need converters...only
european customer need step down converter

AC plugs in japan and US are the same...if you buy our system you can
plug it on your plugs..you need to have the AC or original AC adapter
(that we sale we our game machine)"

Now you're playing with Power


You'll be fine with the ac adapter that comes with it if you're in the US.  Browse through the site a bit and you'll see that answered many places. Humidity & temperature shouldn't be a problem--just don't play it out in the rain. Treat it the same as you would with a NES.


Quote from: Rob64 on November 15, 2008, 05:27:58 pm
I did ask the owner of japan game stock and this is what he said when I asked about the converter:

"Ac in Japan and US are the same..you do not need converters...only
european customer need step down converter

They are not the same, but they are close enough that it doesn't matter to the Famicom.


yes, it's between 110 and 120V here, Japan gets 100V, and IIRC the famicom divides this by 10, so you overload it by a mere 1-2 volts.