Famicare 101 (Questions about caring for your Famicom)

Started by super56k, September 26, 2006, 06:00:25 pm

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OK, so, as most of you know, I got my first FAMICOM less than a week ago.  It is a HVC-001.  It is clean and in good condition.  The first thing I did was clean the game I bought with it.  Then I checked the cartridge slot with a cleaning kit.  I am using the official and original AC adapter and an NES RF modulator. 

I own "Super Mario Bros.", and a 20 in 1 pirate cart.  I have ordered 25 more games in a wholesale lot, and they will be here soon.  Just one problem plagues me....

My FAMI gets really really hot.  Heat just radiates out the rear vent above the RF board, while the main board stays cool.  I really really really really want to play and enjoy the gratest system ever created.  But I have never played for more than 15 minuets.  I am afraid something is wrong.  After less than 10 minuets, the system's RF board gets warm.  After about 15, it gets hot.  If I pick it up, and sniff it, it smells like solder.

I am dying to play it, but afraid of hurting it.  So I ask.  Does the HVC-001 naturally get hot.  Does it just get hot like the Dreamcast, and that is normal, or is it something that I need to address before I should play it anymore?

Come on, you guys all own one or two or threeethousand, please help me.
I am currently working on a homepage...  details to follow.


I don't know, but that sounds weird.  Are you sure you've got the right power?  Could there be something that's dripped in the famicom at that area?  Have you taken it apart to see if that looks clean?

I don't own a fami yet, so I don't have a good idea of what it should be like, but that sounds odd...


I don't have any idea what the problem could be. You say the "RF board" -- I'm assuming you mean where the cords connect at the back of the Famicom. You should play around with the AC adaptor and RF switch you're using...test out different ones that are compatible. For instance, the RF for the NES works in place of the Famicom RF. See if you can determine if it's the Famicom or the adaptor or RF switch. If it's the Famicom, you're best bet might just be to see what happens at 20 mins. and then 30 mins., etc. I've never had any issues with overheating.




Quote from: shthree on September 27, 2006, 01:59:48 pm
What power supply are you using?

The official adapter for the HVC-001.  I am using an official NES RF switch. <-(should not matter)

And yes, I have completely checked the inside.  All is clean.  I mean the system looks almost new.  There was just a little bit of dust.

I left my FAMICOM on for an hour last night, with a fan pointed at the rear vent..  It stayed nice and cool.  The moment that I removed the fan, it was hot in less than 10 seconds.

Do HVC-001's get warm in this area at all?  Is this normal?  I mean it functions fine, but I worry for the components.
I am currently working on a homepage...  details to follow.


Quote from: JC on September 27, 2006, 12:33:35 pm
I don't have any idea what the problem could be. You say the "RF board" -- I'm assuming you mean where the cords connect at the back of the Famicom. You should play around with the AC adaptor and RF switch you're using...test out different ones that are compatible. For instance, the RF for the NES works in place of the Famicom RF. See if you can determine if it's the Famicom or the adaptor or RF switch. If it's the Famicom, you're best bet might just be to see what happens at 20 mins. and then 30 mins., etc. I've never had any issues with overheating.

Yes, the RF board is where the cable comes out.  If it is normal for it to be warm, then I will not worry about playing it this way.  After all, my Dreamcast gets hot enough to start a fire, and I play it all of the time.  But if it is not normal...

What adapter do you use JC?  And is your FAMI, the same model as mine, HVC-001, and not the "New FAMICOM"?
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I guess that I will go and purchase a step-down converter.  I found a 200w one online for $24.99, and the FamiCom is only rated at 4w.
I wonder how many people on this forum actually own a FamiCom...
I am currently working on a homepage...  details to follow.


We're sorry, but if you read the post on the Updates section, you would see that we are very busy at this time, with other things outside of this forum...

And I own a Famicom, I'm using the same hook-up as you. I have no problems however. I have no idea what your Famicom's problem is...


Quote from: super56k on September 29, 2006, 11:30:16 pm

I guess that I will go and purchase a step-down converter.  I found a 200w one online for $24.99, and the FamiCom is only rated at 4w.
I wonder how many people on this forum actually own a FamiCom...

What am I missing here? Prepare to slap me if it's obvious... :) You live in the US? That's a 60Hz 120V power supply... (read somewhere that is goes from about 105 to 130) Japan is 100V 50/60Hz. Are they not close enough to be OK? What kind of step-down are you considering buying 'cause the only ones I've seen are for 220V to 110V.

The only time I had a machine overheat like that was because there was some kind of short on the case shielding.


I'm with shthree, close enough to be ok!  something else must be wrong.  My question is who on this forum doesn't own a famicom?


Quote from: shthree on October 01, 2006, 01:01:08 am
Quote from: super56k on September 29, 2006, 11:30:16 pm

I guess that I will go and purchase a step-down converter.  I found a 200w one online for $24.99, and the FamiCom is only rated at 4w.
I wonder how many people on this forum actually own a FamiCom...

What am I missing here? Prepare to slap me if it's obvious... :) You live in the US? That's a 60Hz 120V power supply... (read somewhere that is goes from about 105 to 130) Japan is 100V 50/60Hz. Are they not close enough to be OK? What kind of step-down are you considering buying 'cause the only ones I've seen are for 220V to 110V.

The only time I had a machine overheat like that was because there was some kind of short on the case shielding.

I was planning on buying this step-down converter:
The first one on this page.^

As far as voltage differences, I measure 16vDC from the adapter, 13v with the FamiCom as a load.
I asked the person I bought it from, and he said that I should use a step down converter. 

Also, I believe that my particular FamiCom, may be a newer model than most.  It lacks any shield around the RF board, and as I ave mentioned before, has the board with the video contact marked.  It has a blue cart connector, instead of the really old metal one, and it looks so prestine, that it can't be that old.  Maybe this new version is pickier on voltages?

I assumed that the vent on the rear was for heat to escape, and maybe this is usually a warm area, but I doubt that it is as warm with Japan voltage, as mine is with the US.  Once I get the converter, I will give you an update on this situation.

Thank you, all who have posted.  I guess my Fami will be MIA until I get this converter.  This also delays my review on my Pirate-Multi that I was writing, as I do not have screen shots yet, to go with the review.  :(
I am currently working on a homepage...  details to follow.


Actually, you can send the review to me if you want, without pictures. Some of the things on our website have no pictures yet, and we update them as we get pictures. :)


Quote from: featherpluckinfilm on October 01, 2006, 08:42:54 am
My question is who on this forum doesn't own a famicom?

I don't own one :) I've got a disgusting amount of clones though...

super56k: I've not seen those 100/120 before or even heard of them. Hope it works for you.



Quote from: FamicomJL on October 01, 2006, 01:57:09 pm
Actually, you can send the review to me if you want, without pictures. Some of the things on our website have no pictures yet, and we update them as we get pictures. :)

I am free Tuesday, I am going to try and keep a fan on it, that keeps it nice and cool.  So I can at least get a shot of the menu, and maybe of the "DIN DUN" and "CIRCUS TROOP" title screen.  I assume, I can just RAR it up, and email it to you?
I am currently working on a homepage...  details to follow.