December 26, 2024, 04:30:42 am

Last Movie/Show You Saw?

Started by Doc, July 29, 2006, 11:13:57 pm

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Men in Black 3, and noticed this infamous Famiclone:


Bohemian Rhapsody cinema

I have no words!

Jedi Master Baiter

Toy Story 4

We got to the theater on a Tues. evening thinking there was going to be no line, but boy were we wrong. :upsetroll: Also thought we were just going to miss some previews, but ended up missing the very beginning. :( Since when does the time on the marquee mean the actual time the movie starts?

Good movie, though. ;D


Midsommar. Dang, that sure gave me the willies more than any other movie I've seen in recent times. Liked it more than Hereditary, too.
I like to glitch old VHS tapes and turn them into visuals for live music events. Check out what I'm working on -


Quote from: nintendodork on July 24, 2019, 02:04:54 pm
Midsommar. Dang, that sure gave me the willies more than any other movie I've seen in recent times. Liked it more than Hereditary, too.

Saw this with a group of friends and it is a pretty creepy flick! I really like the special effects and visualizations of the after effects of what the characters consume in the plot.

Never seen Hereditary and I'm usually not a fan of these slow-burn type thrillers.


I was forced to watch Jigsaw on Netflix by my friend.
It was more gross than scary
Super Mario Bros., The Legend of Zelda. The NES and the Famicom themselves. These are well known after more than 30 years after their releases. I highly doubt that Fortnite, PUBG, or any other modern-day game will be as well known in 2050.



Retro Gaming Life


La Casa de Papel on Netflix, the best I saw so far  :fire:


F&F Hobbs&Shaw
I don't get why it's called Fast&Furious...
It was way more like Mission Impossible.
It wasn't too bad though!
Super Mario Bros., The Legend of Zelda. The NES and the Famicom themselves. These are well known after more than 30 years after their releases. I highly doubt that Fortnite, PUBG, or any other modern-day game will be as well known in 2050.


Quote from: pxlbluejay on August 18, 2019, 08:11:18 am
F&F Hobbs&Shaw
I don't get why it's called Fast&Furious...
It was way more like Mission Impossible.
It wasn't too bad though!

It was a spin-off.  Hobbs & Shaw are characters from the F&F movies.

Jedi Master Baiter

Watched Phantom Menace for the first time since about a decade and a half ago. I remember loving this as a kid and not understanding why people hated it so much, and now... not much has changed:

-beautiful setting(s)
-beautiful score by John Williams as always
-confusing plot ???
-Jar Jar is annoying :upsetroll:
-pod racing is awesome ;D
-static acting :blinky:

Anyone want to give their personal opinion? :bub: I have a lot to say honestly, but if no one cares...


Sure, I'll rant!
And I agree with you. When it came out I was happy that a new Star Wars movie was finally made, and although the style was a bit different from the older movies it still managed to capture that space opera feeling that I love so much. That is something that most of the newer movies fails at, feeling more like space-themed dumb action movies. The movie came out before every home was connected to the internet, so I was totally unaware of all the hate the movie got. I thought everyone liked it as much as me and my friends did. I didn't know Jar Jar Binks was disliked either (I thought he was funny). The return of the old actors for C-3PO and Palpatine pleased me as well.

It has some silly things as well though. Although I love the concept of pod racing, and it fits into Star Wars as much as F-Zero racing fits into the F-Zero universe, the actual racing scenes are not that great. And there are all these silly fighting scenes, for example when Anakin more or less accidentally destroys a space battleship. He is a good pilot powered by the force and is certainly capable of such a thing, but the scene just felt badly executed.

In the end, it's probably the best of all the new movies. The next two movies was mostly crap in comparison. Amidala is suddenly no longer royalty but was elected, and Anakin is mostly just a whiny and pretty dumb kid, not very convincing at all.

Also I'm no fan of any of the new versions of the old movies. Although I was excited the first time I heard Star Wars Trilogy coming out, I was disappointed with some of the changes. I simply don't like them butchering the movies that I grew up with. Reinserting the scene where Han Solo meets up with Jabba and steps on his tail was pretty neat, but I have no love for removing Solo's sen no sen initiative attack on Greedo among other things. They say that Lucas Arts are confiscating any old film rolls of the old movies that shows up and tries to erase their own history, so that the butchered DVD and Blu-ray versions will be the only ones left in existence. I'm rooting for those projects of scanning and cleaning up old 35 mm films, converting them into a high quality digital format. I hope movie pirates will spread them all over the world in order to preserve movie history. I couldn't care less for copyright stuff in this matter.

Jedi Master Baiter

Yeah, I felt Phantom Menace was the last Star Warsy film; everything after that was missing something (didn't have that Star Wars magic anymore). A New Hope had the cool space scenes for the first time, Empire Strikes Back had the Battle of Hoth, Return of the Jedi had the speeder bikes, and Phantom Menace had the pod race. What did Attack of the Clones (terrible name for an A-list movie, btw) and Revenge of the Sith have? Trash compactor scene and elongated lightsaber battles that dragged on too long?

Now maybe I was an idiot (still am? ???), but at the time I didn't realize Ian McDiarmid was the same actor as Palpatine from Episode VI. So I thought he was a new actor playing younger Palpatine, while the original Palpatine came back to play Darth Sidious (who I thought was a different guy!). So this probably created an even more confusing plot for me. :-[

Here's the thing about the podracing: though the CGI in the film hasn't aged well, the pod racing still looks rather exceptional.

I think the part where Anakin goes into space, piloting a Naboo fighter was completely unnecessary: we already established his role/badassery in the pod race, and we could've had more time showing the fighter pilots in action. But at the same time having Anakin just sit doing nothing wouldn't have worked either.

Someone mentioned that the film could have effectively been cut shorter by starting when the Naboo starship lands on Tatooine. While I agree, I still felt those scenes prior to that were good in establishing certain characters/droid.

Funny you should mention the old films; the entire reason for me rewatching the films was because I bought the Star Wars Ultimate Soundtrack Collection and used this as an excuse to watch the fan-made Despecialized Editions. I decided to take the suggestion of watching the films in this order:

-New Hope
-Empire Strikes Again
-Phantom Menace (optional)
-Attack of the Killer Tomatoes Clones
-Revenge of the Sith
-Revenge of the Jedi (aka Empire Strikes Again... again)

By the way, the Phantom Menace soundtrack is the worst case I've ever seen with music and scenes being completely out of order! :o


I too have a lot to say about the prequels, first that they are a source of many, many great memes.

I like them all, 1-3. I think Revenge of the Sith is genuinely good, all I got is one bad scene(you're so... beautiful) and a couple odd deliveries like Anakins voice-breaking shouting before the Obi-Wan fight but all in all it's really good.
Both episode 1 and 2 are okay to pretty good. 2 is better over all than 1 but has the worst part out of all, the romance. I kid you not, I have to fast-forward through the scene where Padme tells Anakin they can't be together because she's a senator, all while wearing sexy black clothes in front of a fireplace. Anakin is pretty whiny throughout as well, and the overuse of CG stands out a lot more in 2 than 3 when they had improved it a lot.
Episode 1 has more practical effects but a bit of a dull plot overall, like how they say Naboo is occupied and people are in camps, but they never once show anyone suffering, so I don't feel much urgency to it. I do enjoy feisty Padme though, in both 1 and 2, it's a shame that she got relegated to a worrying wife in 3.

I saw 2 and 3 in the theatres and honestly felt hurt about the massive hate they all got online, even though it's been softening a bit lately. Nobody understood that Lucas wanted to make new movies for a new generation more than he wanted to make movies for the fans from 77-83. All the time I've just been here, liking the movies. Every time I watch them I come away with "yeah, they're pretty good", I don't turn to the dark side as it were.
But partly at least as a result of all that I reacted to all the new ones with very mild enthusiasm, like it doesn't quite feel like true Star Wars anymore, just very capable fan fiction, even though the original actors are in them(but not enough in my opinion, and Rey is pretty character-less if you ask me but that's another story for another day).