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Last Movie/Show You Saw?

Started by Doc, July 29, 2006, 11:13:57 pm

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Retro Gaming Life


Quote from: Agent X on February 22, 2009, 01:59:37 pm
Last movie I watched was last night with the wife, a funny film called Forgetting Sarah  Marshal, that was on the double bill feature, as before that we watched JOHN RAMBO.  As far as "last TV Show" I watched... well, I only ever watch ONE TV show these days, so that would be: Terminator: Sarah Connor Chronicles

Forgetting Sarah Marshall has to be one of the best comedies out there. Where else can you find a puppet Dracula moping around wishing he could die?
Dance, puppets... dance!


I like to glitch old VHS tapes and turn them into visuals for live music events. Check out what I'm working on -


Reservoir Dogs. what a great movie really quintin tarantino at his best!
Great Fox will cover you.


Marlins vs Yankees 03 world series dvd!
Retro Gaming Life

Agent X

Quote from: thegreatgonzo on February 23, 2009, 02:47:09 pm
Forgetting Sarah Marshall has to be one of the best comedies out there. Where else can you find a puppet Dracula moping around wishing he could die?

AGREED.  I went into the film thinking... "Great, ANOTHER dumb comedy film" since, generally it's all my wife likes to watch... but she was willing to watch John Rambo kick some shit and atomize Burmese Thugs with a .50caliber machine gun, so it was only fair.  But I figured since I've always had a thing for Kristen Bell/Veronica Mars, why the hell not?  Movie ended up being more enjoyable than it had a right to be, and I even found Mila Kunis freaking hot/attractive in the flick, as generally she just has never appealed to me (though maybe it had more to do with her role as "Jackie" on That 70s' Show).  We watched the unrated extended version though, and I could have lived my whole life without seeing Jason Segel's cock like 4 or 5 times throughout the film, but it could have been worse.  I wanna know why we didn't see Kristen Bell get nekkid personally, would've only been right, though Mila did flash the audience in a photo.   ;D

I think Russell Brand (Aldous Snow of Infant Sorrow) stole the movie though.  I'd never even heard of the dude before but I still have "Inside You" in my head.  Damn that guy!  >:(  As for tonight, the last thing I saw was the 1983 Aussie film with Nicole Kidman of...

picked up a FULL FRAME DVD of it sometime in October of 2008, last year (had never head of it before) at a Walgreens Drugstore for .99cents, and it's turned out to be the best dollar I've ever spent money wise.  While I'm still an avid BMXer myself (riding around on a 2008 GT Fueler rechristened "SCOPEDOG") and enjoy the movie, though not as much as the 1986 classic of RAD... my daughter absolutely loves BMX Bandits, so I've probably seen the flick like 200 times since purchasing that budget DVD.  *LOL*  It helps get her to sleep to, so I'm not complaining.
Gaming peaked in the 8-Bit & 16-Bit eras...
all else is just rehashes and insanity passing
itself off as "gaming."
~Agent X



My dad thought Wall-E was good...
I'm not sure what to think of that... :P
What did you think of it?
I like to glitch old VHS tapes and turn them into visuals for live music events. Check out what I'm working on -


It was cute for about the first 20 minutes and then I got bored. That love scene with the two robots twirling out in space was fucking stupid -- but it is a kids' film.


Futurama: into the wild green yonder

Agent X

Showed my 3year old daughter a time old classic
in my house for the first time earlier this morning...

Needless to say, she loved it.  All the while doing her
own round house kicks and yelling POWER UP! like the
announcer from "Altered Beast".
Gaming peaked in the 8-Bit & 16-Bit eras...
all else is just rehashes and insanity passing
itself off as "gaming."
~Agent X


For a second, I thought the katakana said "rust dragon"... :P
( ยด_ゝ`)


Sho 'nuff! The Last Dragon is an enjoyable flick. You gotta get the GLOW!

After Agent X mentioned BMX Bandits, it made me want to bust out my copy of Thrashin'.. skateboarding was a big staple in my area where we grew up.
Dance, puppets... dance!
