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Last Movie/Show You Saw?

Started by Doc, July 29, 2006, 11:13:57 pm

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ah well was disappointed they didn't aired Rocky V but that's ok. They still showed Rocky IV which is my favorite one which is hard to pick in the first place.
Retro Gaming Life

Jedi Master Baiter

September 28, 2009, 08:34:29 pm #1351 Last Edit: September 28, 2009, 08:46:41 pm by Jedi QuestMaster


Previews/trailers of several German movies.

I watch that together with my student to improve his listening skills.


Rocky IV was, argueably, the best Rocky of them all. It had an awesome soundtrack (which I own), the obligationary death, an alien robot, James Brown dance sequences, Bridgette Nielson pre-ugliness, the beginning of Dolph Lundgrens illustrious career, and a better ending speech.
In essense,  Rocky I and II had the meat and potatos, III had the veggies, but IV was the dessert, completing an excellent meal. V was the cheap mint you get afterwards with the bill.
Rocky Balboa... anyone want to fill that one in?
Dance, puppets... dance!

Jedi Master Baiter

I don't know - Rocky IV seemed like a fancy light show to me - Rocky III had heart to it.  I mean, real heart.  How often does someone trade their passion for glory?  Rocky lost.  It was well played out.

I'm not saying IV was bad - it was good, I liked it.

And Rocky  V - cheap mint? Why does everyone hate it? Sure, it didn't have much of a score, interesting fights, or much of anything "showy."  It was realistic.  The struggle was actually a struggle, not like Rocky IV, sure he was avenging a death, but he had it all.  V they were poor all over again!  What food item describes that?


I glad you brought up your opinion too, Jedi. While I can appreciate III in certan ways...
-how it started the frequent music montages, as opposed to I and II used sparingly
-how it set the tone for any non-Appollo opponent of Rocky to be involved in a death of someone close (or as in V practically the death of Rocky's spirit.. But that's another debate for another time)
-the incredible chemistry between Rocky and Apollo, and the training...
There  was one reason III isn't higher on my list.
-Clubber Lang...the anti-Apollo. No finesse... all power...a big brute. As a bad guy, his character is paper thin.
III had the drama where it needed it to drive the story, but a nemesis, Lang was argueably the weakest out of the 6 movies.
Dance, puppets... dance!


I liked V a lot as well. It was nothing like the others but it had some great moments. I like the fact that he goes back where he started and all the memories from the past come back. It was a great way to end the movie saga. I also like the part near the end where he punches that don king wanna be, I never felt such a great feeling!! "sue me for what?" har har har!
Retro Gaming Life


I also thought V isn't as bad as everybody says.
It's a good movie in my book.


Ooooh lets talk about was very hard to get past Paulie being able to become Power of Attorney to all of Rocky's finances, and losing it all...
.. And Rocky not knowing he could make plenty of money (even back then) on speaking engagements, advertising and hawking products or services (he was smarter than he was in II)..
Wouldn't any bank give a loan to a proven money-maker like Rocky?
So... instead Rocky dragged them to the poor area he grew up in. I don't neccessarily consider that taking care of your family in the best way.
I know they just wanted the story to take place with Rocky back where he started, but Rocky Balboa (the movie) had a better "back to your roots" set up.
In essence...
While V had some entertaining parts, the " Go For It!" catchphrase they tried to
incorporate was almost mockable, and Rocky's blantant way of ignoring his only child was highly annoying. Rocky just seems selfish and self-serving with his pride, living vicariously through Tommy.
Is this movie my least favorite? Absolutely.
Dance, puppets... dance!

Jedi Master Baiter

Quote from: thegreatgonzo on September 29, 2009, 02:31:00 pm
There  was one reason III isn't higher on my list.
-Clubber Lang...the anti-Apollo. No finesse... all power...a big brute. As a bad guy, his character is paper thin.
III had the drama where it needed it to drive the story, but a nemesis, Lang was argueably the weakest out of the 6 movies.

Big brute? This guy was fast! Notice how Rocky got killed in 2 rounds?  Also how he lost weight before his rematch?  In fact, I think that was the quickest Rocky fight of all the movies.

I could say everything about Ivan Drago you just said about Clubber Lang - all power... big brute.  As a bad guy, his character is paper thin, I mean - what's his motive? If he dies, he dies. Where does that come from?  I liked near the end how everyone's all over him when he's losing.  A little sympathy for him there.

Is it just me or does this not make sense? Drago was taking steroids! Rocky was seriously at a huge disadvantage in that one - he was taken out of his natural environment, running up mountains, (mostly) under supervision - & he still wins.  Good plot, but unrealistic in the fight sense - I think it was a bit of a tacky motivational setup.  I liked the speech, too.

Rocky III, he needed to get his ass kicked in gear, & same goes for Rocky V (ok, he didn't "need" it this time, but it happened - it's called "real life" - something that the fourth Rocky was less of).

QuoteRocky's blantant way of ignoring his only child was highly annoying. Rocky just seems selfish and self-serving with his pride, living vicariously through Tommy.

Was he ignoring his son? Yes. Can we blame him? Ok, yes.  But try to understand, his career is finished - that's it, & everything is gone. He's trying to breathe life into himself again, & this is the only readily available solution (to him).

On a side note. Anyone remember Over the Top?  I just wanted to punch that spoiled brat kid of his. :P Rocky had a better father-son depiction.


September 30, 2009, 10:51:25 am #1360 Last Edit: September 30, 2009, 11:26:30 am by thegreatgonzo
Good rebuttal Jedi. I will start with your points on III.
I believe Clubber Lang won that fight because Rocky was not prepared for him. Mick the manager was purposefully making Rocky fight crappy fighters to protect him. Rocky had gone soft, even in his training, had no eye of the tiger that Apollo will ignite later. The decisive edge of that fight did and should have been all Clubber's. I didn't feel it made him the superior fighter or develop his character any better. As the movie progresses, Clubber just becomes a bigger jerk more and more.

On IV..
I feel Dragos's character had some meat to it. He is a soldier of his country during the Cold War. He is sacrificing his body and doing what he is told, for the good of Russia. There is a bit of quiet nobleness about him, whereas we see from his eyes when he is in America our excessiveness and cockiness.
Seeing Drago as Rocky's enemy might as well just yell out "USA vs. USSR!",  as evidenced in the exploding boxing gloves at the start of the film... and I feel Drago was a good representitive of Russia, the steriod useage, technology and drive to stay ahead of the USA, not just in a weapons race, but also in the boxing ring.
Drago had the decency, like Apollo, to accept his loss at the end.

I can agree with all of your points on V. I had higher hopes for Rocky to do the right thing by his family, all around.

Yeah, that kid from Over the Top should have been hit by a truck after jumping out of the Stallone's semi. Isn't that the same kid from Flight of the Navigator?

Edit- Request moderators to move Rocky debate to a new thread if needed
Dance, puppets... dance!


Quote from: thegreatgonzo on September 30, 2009, 10:51:25 am
Edit- Request moderators to move Rocky debate to a new thread if needed

You are debating with the moderator ::) :P.


"Homer the Whopper"

On another note: I guess little movie discussions are ok in this thread.


Retro Gaming Life


October 03, 2009, 10:46:11 am #1364 Last Edit: October 03, 2009, 11:03:36 am by L___E___T
flash forward - it's ok but has that familiar 'Americanism' vibe that erodes the best parts of its character.

It's like, you can't just walk down the road Fiennes!   you gotta have it in slow-mo with flame and explosions and a revenge face to boot.  Shame, as it basically stops you relating to it as if it MIGHT be real life, which is where it's core success lies.

Oh well, I can look past it.  At the moment it's in danger of becoming the new lost or heroes -  starting promising, gaining hype, turning shit.

* I have plenty of US friends and colleagues I get on great with, so please take this as an anti-talent rant, not anti-US flame ok ;)
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