January 09, 2025, 12:26:41 am

Post Count Milestones

Started by Jedi Master Baiter, September 30, 2006, 07:43:17 am

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Ha, old April Fools residue...

Jedi Master Baiter

Finally someone noticed.  I decided to just leave it like that until somebody says something.


I would say FW had the funniest april fools but an article on Nintendo-Daily about Canada buying half of Hawaii was funny.
Consoles I own (by Generation):

1st: N/A 2nd: Colecovision 3rd: Game Boy Pocket 4th: Game Boy Color, SNES 5th: N64, N64DD, PS1 Sega Saturn  6th: Xbox, 2 Gamecubes, Dreamcast, PSP, DS 7th: Wii, Xbox 360, Ps3


4,501st post.  Only 499 more to Disk-Kun.
I like to glitch old VHS tapes and turn them into visuals for live music events. Check out what I'm working on - www.instagram.com/tylerisneat


So ends another chapter in the glorious legend of the Ninja... Until next time...


ive made 137 post so far (this being my 138)



Getting there....just a bit more...
Retro Gaming Life  www.retrogaminglife.com


>>>Current Collection<<< Updated 8/20/2014

-Click here for Photobucket Collection-


OMG that's a great milestone! the most satanic one yet!
Retro Gaming Life  www.retrogaminglife.com


I hate reaching that milestone...  Had terrible luck and a terrible day like none other before.  Came home and realised my post count was sitting at that number on Nintendo Daily all day...

350 on FW now!  Going way faster than I expected.  Am I a valued member yet? Jk ;D
Consoles I own (by Generation):

1st: N/A 2nd: Colecovision 3rd: Game Boy Pocket 4th: Game Boy Color, SNES 5th: N64, N64DD, PS1 Sega Saturn  6th: Xbox, 2 Gamecubes, Dreamcast, PSP, DS 7th: Wii, Xbox 360, Ps3


1068. Post counts don't really matter. Content does, however.


Consoles I own (by Generation):

1st: N/A 2nd: Colecovision 3rd: Game Boy Pocket 4th: Game Boy Color, SNES 5th: N64, N64DD, PS1 Sega Saturn  6th: Xbox, 2 Gamecubes, Dreamcast, PSP, DS 7th: Wii, Xbox 360, Ps3


Hey people, TRG still exists. Come join the meh-ness.



I'm actually late by a few days, but I just realized it's my first anniversary on FW. One whole year sure went quick...
>>>Current Collection<<< Updated 8/20/2014

-Click here for Photobucket Collection-


Hahaha, cool! I forget how long I've been here. I still remember the old forum and first site like it was yesterday. Those were awful...