Your favorite vg series?

Started by satoshi_matrix, January 02, 2009, 06:30:03 pm

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I have to agree that Pokemon Crystal is the greatest Pokemon game ever made, and NOTHING will ever top it! ;D

Seriously, I logged so many hours on that bad boy, and I went from Blue to Yellow (Ugggh) to Silver. It got better gradually each time. Ever since then, it's been all downhill... I think the problem is that there are way too many Pokemon now. I know the first 151, and can recognize a lot up until like 250, but after that I'm lost... :-\

Give me some time to make my list! :D


As I quote Manuel,
Quote from: manuel on January 03, 2009, 07:51:21 am
Gotta catch 'em all, though.  ;D
I must say, Doc...
better start playin :P
There's currently 493 catch 'em all now!
I like to glitch old VHS tapes and turn them into visuals for live music events. Check out what I'm working on -


Nintendodork. There are 251 Pokemon. 251 Pokemon I choose to recognise as Pokemon. Seriously, though, they started just making up dumb crap after G/S/C.
( ´_ゝ`)


Quote from: Rogles on January 05, 2009, 04:15:44 pm
Nintendodork. There are 251 Pokemon. 251 Pokemon I choose to recognise as Pokemon. Seriously, though, they started just making up dumb crap after G/S/C.


The newer ones are just stupid

Trium Shockwave

I have to concur with that as well. I felt some of the ones in G/S/C were stretching. I don't even know what most of the things from Ruby/Sapphire are supposed to be.


The new Pokemon are robots with guns... :(


To me, every generation of Pokémon has been a mixed bag. As far back as the original 151, there were awesome Pokémon like Scyther, Magneton, and Golem, while there was also Mr. Mime, Oddish, Drowzee and ugh, Eggexcute. While even in the newest gen there are some awesome Pokémon like Magnazone, the problem is that over time, the ratio of cool to just stupid Pokémon has continually shifted away from cool and is now planted mostly in the stupid category. The only reason I still enjoy the new DS ones at all is because you can choose to avoid using the new ones and still with good 'ol classics.


January 06, 2009, 11:48:34 am #37 Last Edit: January 06, 2009, 12:38:06 pm by Lorfarius
Quote from: Doc on January 05, 2009, 11:00:53 am
Seriously, I logged so many hours on that bad boy, and I went from Blue to Yellow (Ugggh) to Silver.

What was wrong with yellow? Isnt that the version with the bugs removed and the extra pokemon included from B/R?

Also whats so good about Crystal? I've seen it cheap and might be tempted.
My own Retro gaming YouTube channel:


Yeah, but some of those bugs were fun to fool around with. And I thought the idea that you could simply GET Bulbasaur, Squirtle and Charmander in the game in such lame fashion was just silly. The whole idea of Pikachu following you was cute, but got really old after a few hours. And during when it was released, all of the hype was created for the surfing game that you could play with Pikachu, which even then really wasn't all that special, or worth the silly hype. Some things were awesome, like the fact that the Pokemon didn't look like creepy things, and Team Rocket!!!

Crystal is pretty much a combination of Gold and Silver, I haven't played in a while, so bear with me, but I'm pretty sure that all of the Pokemon are availble in the game. There were some Pokemon exclusive to Silver (Donphan for example) and some exclusive to Gold (Teddiursa). Also, it's MUCH easier to catch the legendary dogs, and you can catch Suicune without it running away. The whole idea of the legendary dogs being impossible to catch was G/S/C's one big flaw.

Plus, you can capture Celebi!*

*But only if you cheat... there is a statue in one of the forest's, but for some reason you couldn't catch Celebi in the game, it was only available in Japan through a special event. Action Replay or GameShark or something has a code availble to catch him in your US game, though.


Quote from: Doc on January 06, 2009, 07:51:56 pm
legendary dogs
I always thought they kinda looked like tigers...hmm...

But yeah, you can catch all the Pokemon in Crystal...but it always seemed...different to me than G/ alot of weird, unexplainable ways...

And I never got Pikachu to surf...but I did get Mew!  (Through the Mew glitch) and I got a SHINY PINK Celebi because my cousin had a friend who lived in Japan and mailed him a Japanese Crystal and gave me the Celebi :D (After he duplicated it of course)
I like to glitch old VHS tapes and turn them into visuals for live music events. Check out what I'm working on -


I agree that they look like tigers, but I'm pretty sure I've heard them referred to in numerous places (Including with Nintendo themselves,) as dogs. Feel free to correct me if I'm wrong, anyone. :)


Quote from: Doc on January 06, 2009, 08:09:15 pm
Including with Nintendo themselves
Pffftt...what do they know about Pokemon?
I like to glitch old VHS tapes and turn them into visuals for live music events. Check out what I'm working on -


Nothing... Well, nothing about what the hardcore players want. Now they're just making whatever they think 11 year-olds think looks cool. The series should just be put out of its misery. It's like a cow that used to give really good milk, but when she ran out, she got really ugly and fat. :P
( ´_ゝ`)



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