Do you own a Famicom?

Started by Doc, October 01, 2006, 04:07:15 pm

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Do you own a Famicom?

84 (84.8%)
15 (15.2%)

Total Members Voted: 96


March 09, 2008, 11:30:42 am #45 Last Edit: March 09, 2008, 09:02:30 pm by 2A03
I've got an AV Fami and an original Fami, and I used to have another original Fami and a Twin.


I have two Famicom AV systems, an original Famicom and a disk system.


I have a twin fami, famiclone w/ av, and a non-working original famicom  :-\


Technically I don't have a Famicom.....
But I have a FamicomBox and a FamicomStation, so I'm not sure ;)
At least they have Japanese writing on the carts  ::)


Yes I do  ;). I now own 2 Famicom's with AV mods and 3 Famicom Disk Systems (one is new)  :).
Plant you, feed you, grow you like a flower, like NINTENDO now you're playing with power!!

Cobra Commander

I have a loose Famicom HVC-001 and a clone. I just bought my very first Disk System a few days ago. It needs a new belt so I can't play it. But the only game I have right this minute is SMB2j anyway.


I wouldn't be posting here if I didn't.  I hate the look of the original famicom.  And the NES is just poorly designed.  Thusly I bought an AV famicom off of ebay


I have an AV Famicom, 4 Famicom Disk Drives, Gun, Hudsonsoft eternal controller, and I used to have a famicom classic but sold it to a friend.
Your not cleared for that.


January 03, 2009, 02:51:34 pm #53 Last Edit: January 04, 2009, 07:01:49 pm by nintendodork
BUMP for newer members...

I have one A/V Modded Original Famicom (Very white, no FF symbol) w/ 11 games, one NES, and a Logoless Neo Fami

Hoping to get a Disk System soon...
I like to glitch old VHS tapes and turn them into visuals for live music events. Check out what I'm working on -


I've got an HVC-001 1984, sort of yellowed, but no scratching or Dents.
( ยด_ゝ`)


I have a black twin famicom. 4 Nes Consoles
(3 loose units and 1 boxed Action Set Mint. All NES units are SCN/PAL but 1 is modified to play NTSC)
I just sold my 3 Famiclones "HiTex"



The thing is...I don't actually own a famicom...yet....

I'm looking to buy one very soon! :P :P ;D ;D :D :D ;) :)


Submit to Mugen


Does winning an auction but still haven't got it cout as i own it?
-FC Want List-
1. Super mario world pirate (full)
2. lol idk

other wants
1. New computer


I'd say yes. Once you've paid for it, it's yours.