Do you own a Famicom?

Started by Doc, October 01, 2006, 04:07:15 pm

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Do you own a Famicom?

84 (84.8%)
15 (15.2%)

Total Members Voted: 96


My very first AV Famicom came in the mail yesterday....
Words fail me on how sweet it is... :-X
Dance, puppets... dance!



I own a super famicom, and I also have a tristar/super 8 which lets you play NES, Famicom on a Super Famicom/SNES system. I also have a tristar 64 that lets you play NES, Famicom, SNES, Super Famicom on an n64 system.


My new Setup:

RGB modded black NES, HES Unidapter, Famicom Disk System, PowerPak with 2gb compact flash, Venus Game Converter


August 03, 2009, 09:37:46 am #109 Last Edit: August 03, 2009, 09:45:46 am by manuel
Are you able to get the extra sound channels with that setup?


yep. and some clones (asder, made in taiwan).  :)


Quote from: b1aCkDeA7h on August 03, 2009, 09:37:46 am
Are you able to get the extra sound channels with that setup?

Yes i have the extra sound channels hack in my NES



Quote from: famiac on August 07, 2009, 04:58:49 am
What does RGB modded mean?

The highest quality video that a non-HD game system (basically anything before xbox1) can acheive. You need an RGB (15khz) capable monitor to view old school gaming in RGB.  is a good place to start. Most systems like SNES, Jaguar, Sega Genesis, psx, ps2, xbox, sega saturn, and some others are RGB capable with no modifications needed, but systems like NES, 3DO, N64, PC Engine, etc require some sort of internal RGB modification.


@RGB_Gamer: Where did you got your RGB PPU? PlayChoice 10 board or Famicom Titler? Did you mod your NES & converters for FDS extra sound?


I soon will... I just purchased a famicom and a disk system from ebay. The famicom doesn't have a power adaptor and the disk system has a broken belt so I'm going to have to repair it. Wish me luck. :P

Perhaps I should "pimp" out my new system by painting it gold and black or something.
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Quote from: 133MHz on August 07, 2009, 02:14:52 pm
@RGB_Gamer: Where did you got your RGB PPU? PlayChoice 10 board or Famicom Titler? Did you mod your NES & converters for FDS extra sound?

None of the NES was modded by me. The shiny black NES was from a guy on ebay and then sent to a guy that did the RGB mod, including the FDS extra sound. The PPU was from a PC-10 board, also bought on ebay.


The French NES has an RGB output, but it's not a real RGB out. It's a regular PAL NES with a Composite to RGB converter chip. It outputs RGB, but the quality isn't better than composite video.

Nintendo did this because France uses the SECAM TV system which is completely incompatible with anything else in the world. Certainly Nintendo didn't want to bother manufacturing a special, completely different NES just for one country, so they took a PAL NES, replaced the RF switch with an RGB converter (an RGB signal by definition doesn't have any color encoding system) and then said "Hey France, we didn't want to bother with making a SECAM NES just for you, so here you have an European NES with RGB out. How you get it to work is your own business."

RGB_Gamer's NES uses a PPU chip taken from a Nintendo arcade machine, therefore it outputs a true RGB signal which needs three separate amplifiers for accurate TV display.


i own a famicom and a disk system but for some reason my conector to the famicom from the disk system dosent work idk wats wrong with it. :'(


I just got one. whoo hoo! and its the one with round buttons. not square.