Best image hosting site for FW?

Started by satoshi_matrix, January 14, 2009, 06:15:56 pm

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Hey all, just a quick question. I'd like to post a lot more images here on the forums, but I'm not sure what the best way to do it is. Which image sites are best for FW etc etc. I've been using Imageshack's forum viewing option, but I don't like it much. Can someone please give some advice on which site to use? Thanks.



You can upload several images in a row, by just selecting the image from computer or connected thing.

Also I think it has a copy url link under the pictures.



I like to glitch old VHS tapes and turn them into visuals for live music events. Check out what I'm working on -


Often when I browse other forums (and also this one) I see photobucket disclaimers for "exceeded bandwidth" and stuff instead of the actual photo, so photobucket doesn't seem too good to me. :-\


I've never had a problem with Tinypic. it's simple and customizable.


The name implies you can upload tiny pics... is that so?


I use photobucket. But! I always resize my pics before loading them. It's unrealistic, I think, to expect a free service to give you unlimited space. And, it's sometimes selfishly burdening on slow-internet members to ask them to download large ass images.

I'd be curious to know, like manuel, if tinypic automatically reduces the size of images without reducing the quality.

turbo D

I've been using photobucket for a few years now. I just chose it because a friend was using it. I haven't tried any other image hosting sites. Prior to upload, all of my photos are resized in photoshop. The usual resizing process starts with a quick levels adjustment for better picture quality (doesn't really have anything to do with resizing I guess, heh), then do a little cropping to remove excess space. After that I select "show rulers" and then press ctrl+alt+0 or click "show actual pixels." This will show what the pic is going to look like. Then press ctrl+alt+i or find the image size button in the menu. Here I make the image 72dpi if it is not already. 72dpi is the standard for jpegs. Then I adjust the width and height to find my desirable photo size. I usually make my photos 7 inches wide if it is a landscape or maybe 10-12 inches high if it is a portrait. Not sure if my lesson on resizing helped anyone, heh. Resizing just makes photos look better on the forum. Regardless of your image hosting site, you can copy the location of your image and paste it into the forum image code located in the posting toolbox. That is what I do for best results in a forum. However, photobucket does provide a button that will send the location and forum image code to the clipboard, which is pretty cool.
FC HVC-001 HC4593710 CPU-GPM-02 1989
FDS HVC-022 D1072158 FD7201P 6602 + new belt!
My FF setup!


-FC Want List-
1. Super mario world pirate (full)
2. lol idk

other wants
1. New computer


Imageshack is playing up at the moment, I've never ever had any trouble with photobucket, so I'd reccomend that (best to resize pics first).
My for Sale / Trade thread


I use Imageshack and Photobucket. When I use Photobucket it's for larger groups of pictures, pictures that are my own, and pictures that I'm going to reuse. Imageshack is used for really quick uploads and crap that I'm probably never going to post ever again; also, Imageshack is usually pretty good about letting me upload large images without automatically resizing them.

Photobucket seems to throw up a "bandwidth exceeded" message far more often than Imageshack. In fact I've had some images that I hosted at Imageshack many years ago still up for display today.


I use my own website to host my images ;D


In our faces!  :'(

I'm just curious, how much do you pay for how much space/bandwidth?


I use DreamHost.  I paid $22.40 for my first year and $119.40 for my second year.  My current plan offers:

348.00 GB Disk (Grows 2 GB / week)
6.84 TB BW per Cycle (Grows 40 GB / week)

and a bunch of programming goodies that most webhosts don't provide.  It's a sweet deal for $10/month.  I also have the option to upgrade to unlimited disk and bandwidth for free if I volunteer to be a guinea pig for their server migration (which I'm considering doing...).