Games we hear about but can't find...

Started by skyrunner14, January 17, 2009, 07:07:28 pm

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CIB, Gimmick! could run you over $100. not really worth it unless you're a serious collector and willing to shell out that much.


Really? I think I paid around $50 or $60 for my CIB Gimmick!. A bit less for my CIB Solbrain, but I think that took longer to find.

I've been on the hunt for a CIB Magical Kids Doropie for a while...


IIRC the last time I saw it on ebay CIB it was far more, and I thought cart only Gimmick! was somewhere in the $40's. could be wrong though...


Gimmick uses the Sunsoftb5 which gives it three extra square waves and it should be worth more then $200.


Not for the famicom, but I would love to someday own a Super Mario 64 beta cartridge. I am sure that there is at least one somewhere out there, and I would pay a pretty penny for it to be able to play the game in its original state. :) *wishful thinking*

As a side note, if anyone knows of a beta rom, and not a hack of Super Mario 64, please  pass the info on this way. :)


CIB Gimmick! shouldn't really be over $200, not now, but I'd pay around $100 for one. 
My for Sale / Trade thread


Quote from: PatMan33 on January 17, 2009, 08:12:27 pm

Not Famicom but definitely a game we hear about but never really see.

Still looking for Nintendo World Championships... I've got a line on one for a somewhat reasonable price, we'll see how that goes.

Don't give me that look!

I assume you have the repro?
I like to glitch old VHS tapes and turn them into visuals for live music events. Check out what I'm working on -


NWC is overrated..   it's like an 8 bit xbox live demo trial of 3 games :D
My for Sale / Trade thread


Quote from: L___E___T on January 19, 2009, 05:32:20 pm
NWC is overrated..   it's like an 8 bit xbox live demo trial of 3 games :D
Banned >:(
I like to glitch old VHS tapes and turn them into visuals for live music events. Check out what I'm working on -


I think he's right. It's gaming history, but nothing new. It's quite limited.


Yeah, he's totally right.
It's just so much sought after because it's damn rare. Nothing too special about the "game" itsself.


Quote from: #589 -nintendodork on January 19, 2009, 05:21:27 pm
I assume you have the repro?

Nah, I am not a fan of repros or pirates or any of that crap. It'll happen, give me a bit, I'll get what I want. ;)

I've played the real deal several times and it's fun, it's basically an arcade game. I love arcade games.


If I was a good enough coder I'd be hacking all sorts of games to run like NWC - I'd just choose better games, ninja turtles, gimmick, castlevania maybe..

All's I can hack is colour data onstreet fighter 3  :(   but I wonder if we could us some of the utilities from zophar's domain to do things like this?
My for Sale / Trade thread


There's no magic tool that will let you roll your own NWC cart.  It would take a lot of time and effort in order to figure out how to do it (in general) and how to make each specific game work in its new context.