Want an English translation of the Family BASIC manual?

Started by satoshi_matrix, January 20, 2009, 07:20:37 pm

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would you be willing to donate towards an English translation of the Family BASIC manual?

17 (65.4%)
9 (34.6%)

Total Members Voted: 25


I think he collects all, then adds his part and sends it all at once.

Paypal gets twice the fees this way, though.  :-\
(their fees are quite high I realized the last day...)


Very good point.  No sense wasting money with avoidable transaction fees.


Quote from: manuel on January 25, 2009, 09:19:45 pm
I think he collects all, then adds his part and sends it all at once.

Paypal gets twice the fees this way, though.  :-\
(their fees are quite high I realized the last day...)

This is correct. I'm collecting to then contribute my sum (which I'm really hoping will be half or less). As for paypal fees, wouldn't it just amount to a few dollars? I'll be happy to make up for that.

Now that I know people are interested, I think I should probably make another thread just for donation purposes to give out all the information as it pertains.



I've never had paypal fees before if I send as a gift, but I guess that's a little risky in this case.
My for Sale / Trade thread


The receiver has to pay the fees.

Sending money is always free for the sender.


Which defies all logic, by the way. ???

"Hey, here's some money from a friend of yours... wait let's take some first!!!!!"


It's just a service charge.  Credit Card companies do it, too.  Whenever you buy something with a CC, part of the sale goes to the CC company.  The store pays the service charge, not you. 


But doesn't this not happen if you withdraw an amount over $150?


It's not about withdrawals, the fees are for receiving funds from another account.



I scanned the manual of Family Basic V3. I didn't crop the images, you get them straight from the scanner in 1 handy zip file.



My for Sale / Trade thread


Everybody interested downloaded it already?

Get it while it's hot.  ;)


Wow - thanks manuel! This looks great! Its totally different from the V2 manual.


The v2 book has much better tutorial info in it.  The v3 book won't teach you how to use BASIC.  It assumes you already know how most of the stuff works and spends the majority of its time explaining (in what looks like higher level) how the example games work. 

In fact, the syntax reference in the back only covers the v3 exclusive commands.  None of the standard commands are listed.  This manual is supplementary to the v2 manual.

The RENUM command looks awfully nifty, though.  Wish v2 had that :P