Satoshi Matrix's Bead Sprites

Started by satoshi_matrix, February 18, 2009, 06:00:41 pm

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Blue Protoman

It's Ness doing the two-fingered Peace sign.  Can't miss it, I assume you know what he looks like.
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I just ordered a bunch of beads and boards.  Though I only just now got a rough calculation of what size I will need to do the Ferrari 328 from the Rad Racer select screen and expect I'll need even more boards for it (I have 9 boards on the way already, but may need more for the car).  That is the first thing I plan to do. 

Also, is their any particular reason that you prefer to do them backwards to leave the non-melted side exposed?  Is it too hard to get a consistent result from the melted side, or do you just prefer the appearance on the unmelted bead side?


Can I be the first one to say that Death is beautiful, without being emo?  8)
Dance, puppets... dance!


I used to always die at Death/Grim Reaper in CV1 as a kid. 


Blue Protoman: Okay, now that you've explained it, expect to see it sometime in the next few days.

Medisinyl: Word of advice: always overestimate how many beads sprites are. This way, you'll be sure to never run out. One thing that seperates my bead sprites from others is the fact they look good when they're done. The iron melts the beads down and fuses them together, which looks fine if you're far away, but up close it looks ugly and also becomes shiny and reflects light The other issue is that with the extreme head of the iron, the beads expand and then when they are left to cool, they contract, which inevitably means they bend. I try to reduce this by placing heavy textbooks (see! they do serve a useful purpose!) on them until they're room temperature. The only advantage of heating both sides is that they are much stronger and can handle abuse without falling apart easier. I've made so many sprites by now that I like to maintain a clean, uniform look and can handle them being fragile. However, those that I sell I do slightly iron on both sides just to ensure they don't fall apart during shipping. 

thegreatgonzo: Why thank you! Its an effort to post these here, and its always nice to get some feedback.

Medisinyl - Try Akumajou Dracula (cart) on the Famicom. its MUCH easier than the overly difficult NES port of the FDS original.

well that's a here's more!

Can you name any Star Trek sidescrolling shmups? If not, don't worry, there was only one - Star Trek 25th Anniversary for the Gameboy. I decided to slightly color the sprites and make them look slightly better. Very small sprites but I think they turned out well. These look great as fridge magnets provided you have a black fridge like I do!

Taking the NES Samus Aran sprite and totally revamping it's color depth, here is a custom NES Samus for ya. Credit for the custom samus sprite goes to Desgardes. Helmetless Megaman from Megaman 2 and 9.  All I can think of is brentalfloss: "Where's the man I know with balls like a rhino? Oh where? Perhaps he's there up on the roof. Let's pan straight up in search of proof! Perhaps he is there, and flaunting his hair?"

Wanting to expand my love for all things Rockman further, I've created color versions of the special bosses designed specifically for the Gameboy games.

Enhanced in color, here are the four Rockman Killers from the Gameboy Rockman World 1-4 games. From left to right: Enker, Quint, Punk and Ballade. Remaking Gameboy sprites is a ton of fun! Who knew!?


/\  Yeah, I didn't realize how giant the 328 was going to be at all (guess I won't know 100% until it is done)--very good advice to over-estimate (and of course I thought I was until now).  I ordered 50k beads and 3k of them are red, so hopefully I don't run out for that, but 50k beads sounded like one heck of a lot more before measuring.  I had done that crappy rendition of Pac Man a ways back with very limited colors (GFs sister had a small kit) and without using actual sprite images (posted in this thread not too long ago).  So I am familiar with how ugly the ironed side can be (and un-uniform), but have seen others that don't seem too bad in photos (I can't tell how some people are doing the really gigantic creations I've seen elesewhere).  Also, the Pac Man uses over 800 beads for a relatively small square, which I didn't realize either until I counted.  I'd still like to see some of your larger items next to something for size reference.

And as far as CV1 goes, I can beat it nowadays.  I'm not sure the save feature and reduced difficulty warrants buying the FDS version (I do have a FDS).  I did buy CV3 however on top of my NES version and it truly is far superior. 

Remaking the GB sprites is pretty cool.  I've never played any of the GB MegaMan games, but recently got a SNES again and expect I'll get the Super GameBoy and try them out at some point.


check out my youtube review of Akumajou Dracula. The FDS version doesn't reduce the difficulty any. The NES version is just a port of the FDS minus the ability to save. its the Famicom cart version that you want.

If you're getting any of the GB Megaman games, check out 4 and 5. They're the highest quality of them all, espically 4. 5 is a GB exclusive that I sort of half like and half don't like.


The communist family originally from Megaman 4, Ran, Kalinka and Dr. Cassock. Ran is a fan character from the very underrated and extremely funny Bob & George webcomic. Look it up, you'll be glad you did.

A Red Star army Md. Tank from Gameboy Wars 3 for the GBC. Long before Advance Wars, there was a ___ Wars game on every Nintendo platform save for the Virtual Boy and N64.


Color enhanced sprites based on the GBC Zelda games Link's Awakening, Oracle of Ages and Oracle of Seasons. Expect more in the future!


April 28, 2009, 02:15:01 pm #159 Last Edit: May 21, 2011, 12:44:22 pm by satoshi_matrix

I'm pretty sure others have done this set before, but here's my take on it. Alex vs thug. BARF will ensue.

Bomberman sprite from Bomberman II (NES). This sprite has been color corrected and looks way better than the in-game bomberman.

Various small sprites from the Megaman classic series. from right to left, top to bottom: Eddie, Large Weapons Energy, Large Health Energy, Extra Life, Large Screw, Beat, and Large P Chip. The large screw is a slight recolor from Megaman 9, and the P Chips are exclusive to Megaman IV and V on the original GB. Beat I believe is a custom sprite, but I don't know the original source. It's a recolor I did myself, though.

I'm not a huge Mother fan, but I like the series enough that I took this request to do Ness. I ran out of peach beads so I had to use the next best thing. Boo!


Now you're playing with Power


Ness does look good.  His pink cheeks make him look extremely happy! :D
I like to glitch old VHS tapes and turn them into visuals for live music events. Check out what I'm working on -

Blue Protoman

"Pictures taken instantaneously!  I'm a photographic genius, if I do say so myself.  Now, smile and say 'Fuzzy Pickles'!"


"Wow, what a wonderful picture!  It will always bring back the greatest of memories..."
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The River City Ransom one is epic.

( ยด_ゝ`)
