Satoshi Matrix's Bead Sprites

Started by satoshi_matrix, February 18, 2009, 06:00:41 pm

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Since I've only made a very small handful of Pokemon sprites, I thought I should try my head at making one of the popular monsters. I thought of which one I should do, then thought I should do one of my favorites. Basing my choice by the fact that I have a LOT of surplus green beads I thought I should do a grass or bug type. I choose Exeggutor because I always really liked it.

Then it was a simple matter of figuring out which sprite to use, and then I remembered how laughably bad the sprites are from the original set of games. Looking over the RBY sprite, I instead chose to do the Green sprite. Boy what good detail!

Having done a Pokemon sprite by *gasp* sticking to the original 4 color pallet, I gained a real appreciation for how much work Pokemon sprites are.

I took this pic on the pegboards because after making it, I thought of something else to reuse the green beads on. Stay tuned for that!


That is so awesome!  I'm definitely going to order a Pokemon sprite from you sometime in the near future.
I like to glitch old VHS tapes and turn them into visuals for live music events. Check out what I'm working on -


May 20, 2011, 02:57:48 am #242 Last Edit: May 21, 2011, 12:50:18 pm by satoshi_matrix
thanks man! I look forward to that!

So here's the answer to the mystery I hinted at in my last post.

I've finally finished my latest "big" project. When I was thinking of what to do with my surplus of green, I thought of doing a grass type Pokémon, since I haven't really make many Pokémon sprites. I also wanted the challenge of doing a really stupid-looking sprite that's laughably bad, yet complex and semi-difficult. The result was Exeggutor, from Pocket Monsters Red/Green as seen above. Having dismantled poor Exeggutor bead-by-bead, I've put them back down in a far more lovely form:


Lum Invader from Urusei Yatsura: My Dear Friends for the Sega Mega CD. You might notice a slight resemblance to my new avatar ::)

The Mega CD renders her hair blue, so I've gone ahead and recolored her hair to more closely match the coloring it should be, based on the color scheme used in Urusei Yatsura Stay with You for PCE CD. Many other small tweaks were made to make Lum look the best I could get her.

The whole project took around 20 hours to complete. Fine-tuning her bra was far more tedious than I thought it would be. Getting those tiger stripes to look much like tiger stripes was proving difficult, but I'm real happy with the finished result.

I had originally just planned to do her face, but it kind of got out of hand and just kept growing. Still, I had to stop somewhere, and where I did begs the obvious question: does the carpet match the drapes? :question: I guess we'll never know! ;D

So why Urusei Yatsura?

A few months back, I was chatting with a friend who has a large collection of import retro games. I mentioned to him my particular childhood love of the anime-style games on the Sega CD like Lunar: the Silver Star and Popful Mail, and he introduced to me a game called Urusei Yatsura: My Dear Friends. Only a few minutes in I was totally hooked. I wanted to know who these characters were, so I immediately started to watch the 1981 anime of the same name.

At nearly thirty years old, to say I was late to jump on the Urusei Yatsura bandwagon would be an understatement. Nevertheless, to show my application for this wonderful wonderful anime, here's my tribue to Lum Invader: best alien in all the universe!

I just went through all the the previous pages and fixed all the broken/dead links. You guys should check it out in case there's something you missed!

Parodius Duh

hey dude, I love your castlevania death sprite......would love to pick one up. Ill purchase or I have the complete Urusei Yatsura original series on DVD from the remastered japanese DVD source...


Hey Parodius, check your pm. I am interested in your offer.

Well hey guys, I've just finished my super special secret project. Presenting Link from the Legend of Zelda for NES....

IN 3D!

Inspired by the totally awesome 3D Dot Game Heroes for the PS3, here's Link from the classic LoZ game from 25 years ago. He's held together with glue and is somewhat fragile, but I'm pretty happy with the overall results. I decided to take the picture out in the forest behind my house - an area perfect for Link!

Additional images I took for you guys:

This project was a lot of fun, but a lot of work. I may visit the idea again sometime, but not right away. Anyway hope you guys like it!




Well it looks like the Link idea was something of a Pandora's box for me. Since then I've been flooded with requests for Mario and I've been happy to oblige. Hope you guys enjoy!

Atop my coin box storage bin

And with Link:

If anyone is interested, I can commission making these 3D models, but they take far far longer than the 2D sprites and as such, the costs are significantly higher. If you truly are interested, pm me with an offering price and [maybe] we can negotiate a price.


wow, it sure has been a while since I last posted. Here's some commissions I've finished over the last while.

A full arcade marquee sized Nintendo logo!

Kain and Paladin Cecil

Retro Nintendo set. The person who ordered this wanted four sprites that represented the NES era, though I cheated and used 16-bit Link. It wasn't until after I took this photo that I noticed I needed to refuse the beads along his leg there.


For those interested I am offering a special deal for the holidays - all beadsprite orders $50 or more includes free global shipping. This offer is valid through the end of the year.

Jedi Master Baiter

I'm disappointed that I didn't see any of your work on Desert Bus for Hope. :'(

I thought you'd donate some of you pieces. [/guilt_trip] ;)


Desert Bus? isn't that the really shitty unreleased Sega CD game that's more of a joke than anything else? I'm confused.


Well I figured I should update this thread to show you guys some more recent stuff I've been doing.  These are all commissions I've got for the holidays this year.

If you're interested in an order, just pm me. I can do anything you see or take custom orders.

Protoman custom

Well, it wouldn't be me if I didn't do a Megaman sprite right? This is a 100% custom sprite based loosely on the Megaman Powered Up chibi style.

Yoshi & Baby Mario

Sure, it's been done to death, but a classic sprite from an excellent retro game that really stands the test of time.


My favorite videogame heroine returns in a enhanced custom sprite I've created based on the sexy half-genie's more recent DSi game. I've got plans for more Shantae sprites in the future as it really is one of the great underrated classics of our time.

[fat] Majin Buu

fat Majin Buu from Dragonball Z Buu's Fury for the GBA.

Family Guy's Stewie.

Usagi, Sailor Moon

A color enhanced sprite I've made from a Japan-only GameBoy game with cute mascots from the mid 90s. I'm not a Sailor Moon expert, but I based the colors off official art.


My brother got into making these this year, and he has done a TON of them, mostly NES and SNES sprites. He also made a set of shibi Street Fighter characters, and he built me a really great Protoman, which lives on top of my Playchoice mini cab.