December 29, 2024, 11:13:49 am

Last thing you did

Started by nintendodork, March 01, 2009, 07:53:04 pm

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Ermagheeerd I had another baby!  Well, my wife did...  Over the moon and now my son has a Player 2 to content with on the Famicom one day :D
My for Sale / Trade thread


Congratulations on Luigi, I was always Luigi. :)



Thanks!  Me too - I think it'll be more a case of Mario and Daisy though :)
My for Sale / Trade thread



Congrats, Luke! Saw her on FB. :)

I finally upgraded my desktop PC from Windows 7 to 10. I was concerned about app compatibility but everything has smoothed out after a couple of years. This PC used to take forEVER to start up and then it would take Spotify another 15 minutes to load up. After using Windows 10's new restore function that allowed me to keep my files and only lose my 3rd party apps, it's running at a reasonable speed again!
I like to glitch old VHS tapes and turn them into visuals for live music events. Check out what I'm working on -




Thanks guys, it's meant I've been a bit away from FW for a week or so, but it's been amazing to have every day as just family time these last couple of weeks.  

Sorted through some gaming items too which was long overdue!
My for Sale / Trade thread

Jedi Master Baiter

While at work, doing my route, I noticed a Donkey Kong 64 cartridge in a box in front of a customer's garage. Then I saw a Sega Saturn next to it! :o I've never seen one in person. :-[ Tomorrow I'm going to ask about it. :bub:


You've never seen a Saturn before? *faints*  :mario:

Jedi Master Baiter

Never in person. Everyone either had a Playstation, N64, or Dreamcast.


I made dinner for myself, which was just fish and chips. Earlier on, dealing with a major problem with Windows Update where it appears to be "broken" and already frustrated by it, as I tried virtually everything to make it right. Curse you, Microsoft >:(
Tech-oriented forum. Gamers old and new are welcome.


December 08, 2017, 07:17:43 pm #2801 Last Edit: December 09, 2017, 06:50:40 am by MaxXimus
I am at a Kenny vs Spenny live show.

Post Merge: December 09, 2017, 06:50:40 am

I stepped down. I'm on the other side of the law now.


I was sorting out the photos I took at a college leisure course today, where it was all about still life. Took me a while to decide which ones were the best out of the many taken, as playing about with light direction was part of today's lesson :P
Tech-oriented forum. Gamers old and new are welcome.


Plugged in the mechanical keyboard I got from my parents for Christmas and typed up this post.  It's a bit loud but it is pretty satisfying to type on.

(I know it's pretty nerdy but I've really been waiting to try this thing out since I got it three days ago...).


I just got up. Yeah, that's all I did today... so far :P
Tech-oriented forum. Gamers old and new are welcome.