January 11, 2025, 06:41:10 am

Last thing you did

Started by nintendodork, March 01, 2009, 07:53:04 pm

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Cleaned my Genesis and games.  Some of them were really dirty. :o
I like to glitch old VHS tapes and turn them into visuals for live music events. Check out what I'm working on - www.instagram.com/tylerisneat


I dropped my Twin Famicom AC adapter for like the 10th time and one of the wires broke off of one of the prongs, so I had to break apart the casing on the adapter and re-solder the wire back onto it. Works fine now, though. Damn hardwood floor.  :P



Bid on All Night but was too cheap to get high bidder status. :P


Sat my son on the potty. He seems to like it.
I hope we'll soon need no diapers any more.


( ยด_ゝ`)


Continued my hunt through boxes of video game junk, looking for the Genesis Model 2 AV cord, or the Model 1 power cord.
I could find neither.

Then I got the Famiclone and Elf Bowling ready for shipping.


Got a stool for my arcade machine.
I like to glitch old VHS tapes and turn them into visuals for live music events. Check out what I'm working on - www.instagram.com/tylerisneat


Bought the newest issue of Game Side (bimonthly retro game mag) at the bookstore.


got home and relaxed a little bit. I will finally enjoy a day off tomorrow. woot
Retro Gaming Life  www.retrogaminglife.com


Read through some car brochures.
We plan to buy a new car this year.
I think I'll have to train my haggling techniques a bit.  :)



Retro Gaming Life  www.retrogaminglife.com


Got sunburned selling corn.  Which didn't even sell that great. >:(
I like to glitch old VHS tapes and turn them into visuals for live music events. Check out what I'm working on - www.instagram.com/tylerisneat


July 09, 2009, 05:52:15 pm #538 Last Edit: July 09, 2009, 06:19:01 pm by manuel
I'd like to get a sunburn now.
It's raining like mad out there.
Just a moment ago I saw a cat slip off a roof, because there was too much rain pouring down.

Then I checked amazon -> yay -> My copy of Dragon Quest IX was shipped today, should arrive tomorrow. No standing in line and still get it on release day. I love amazon.  :D


I played Noby Noby Boy.

I left it on all night because I was too tired (lazy) to turn it off, and set the controller on the couch upside down. the next morning, I have 70,000m to report. I do that, and it's a "Lucky Day" or whatever, so that is multiplied by 708. I checked the world rankings thing, I'm in the top 300 now! ~:D