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Last thing you did

Started by nintendodork, March 01, 2009, 07:53:04 pm

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Watched Something to do with the Wall, a documentary about the Berlin Wall. Afterward there was a panel discussion and on the panel was a German exchange student, German women are gorgeous  8).


November 10, 2009, 04:50:07 pm #931 Last Edit: November 10, 2009, 05:02:33 pm by ericj
Walked over to check out the damage from the fire today at the elementary school a couple blocks from my house.


Yikes! And I always thought fire drills were a waste of time.


Nice Beavis picture.

And yeah, they are a waste of time. :P  An annual drill for each disaster is enough. 
I like to glitch old VHS tapes and turn them into visuals for live music events. Check out what I'm working on -


Finished upgrading to Ubuntu Karmic.  Now my wireless doesn't work.  Go Ubuntu!


I have done absolutely nothing worthwhile today.


Went to see DragonForce live with two of my best friends. The show was excellent except for the terrible audio quality, but overall I had a pretty awesome time :D!


The last interesting thing I did was sweep water out of my classroom. Damn district is too cheap to fix our roofs! Our carpets are soaked and are going to get moldy now.
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Took some pills for cold prevention. I'm feeling some symptoms (running nose, sore throat), but I can't afford to get sick with 2 translation assignments due in the next days.  :P

Jedi Master Baiter

Colored in the even numbers on Pascal's triangle in math & came out with this:



Read some funny reviews for Theme Park (SNES) and watched some funny Youtube videos on it.


played mariokart wii with a kid in my scout troop over nintendo WFC


My laptop's PCMCIA slot failed Xbox 360 style (it desoldered itself right off the motherboard due to extreme heat), leaving me with no wireless Internet. I don't have a sufficiently fine tipped soldering iron nor the skills to resolder the slot by myself, so I invited a good friend of mine who makes a living of repairing gaming consoles (and thus can do very fine soldering) over for lunch and video games, with the intention of getting him to resolder the PCMCIA slot for me. He spent about an hour soldering those countless minuscule pins back into place, one by one. He did an excellent job, my wireless is back, we had a pretty good time and his godlike soldering skills even brought a broken Yoshi's Island cart that I had laying around for months back to life! This is what I call a good day :D.


Nice, 133MHz.  :)

I'm also having a good day.
My son spoke his first loosely gaming-related word: Pikachu.  ;D (He has a little Pikachu backpack and likes it very much)
Man, that's so cute!


I'm having a meh day. I haven't done anything fun in a long time although I have found some things recently that I've been looking for for quite some time.

I just went food shopping with one of my older brothers.