Anyone concerned about the Conficker "C" super worm?

Started by Agent X, March 28, 2009, 04:19:40 pm

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Quote from: TanookiSuitSam on April 01, 2009, 08:22:10 pm
Im calling an april fools joke on this.


Like I said, the media blew it way out of proportion, but it's definitely real.  All the researches said it would do is start connecting to servers to look for some binary payload.  It is doing that now, but no payloads have been sent out.  The virus is still spreading and the author's botnet is still growing.  They can put it to use whenever they want to.

Blue Protoman

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They hyped it to be this catastrophic event that was going to happen on April Fool's Day.  Granted, there was a possibility of that happening, but researches never specifically said anything bad was guaranteed to happen.

Blue Protoman

Well, AFD was yesterday.  I'm still waiting for that nuke.  It must be travelling by donkey.  XD
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