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WarioWare DIY

Started by Blue Protoman, May 04, 2009, 03:48:55 pm

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Total Members Voted: 15

Blue Protoman

May 04, 2009, 03:48:55 pm Last Edit: June 02, 2009, 06:29:42 pm by Blue Protoman
A game in which you make your own microgames.  One flaw, though.  You can only make tap-based microgames.  No sliding, no microphone, nada.  But it still looks good, though. We know it's coming to America because it has an English name.  What kind of microgames would you make?

I'd make one in which you have to enter a Street Fighter II combo.

There's a sister version on the Wii.  You can upload your microgames and play them on the Wii and send them in for contests, but you can't make your own on the Wii version.
BP's Domain
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that's a good idea....

sounds like a best seller to me! :P


It could be pretty cool. I'd have to get my creative juices flowing before I'd be convinced, though.


I'm wary of these "make-it-yourself" kind of games.  It's like they quit halfway through production and decided to sell their developer tools instead of an actual game.

On the other hand, WarioWare games are always oozing with style and creativity, so I'm fairly optimistic about it.


Yeah, I got Drawn to Life, and it was okay, but not awesome....

I hope WarioWare is better.  I guess it all depends on what the provide us with.
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Blue Protoman

I'd make the following microgame, assuming you do 3 levels per microgame.

Objective: 42!

Level 1: 4 buttons (42, 69, That's what she said, Chuck Norris), it says "6 times 7!" at the top

Level 2: The buttons rotate clockwise they're smaller, it says "How many roads must a man walk down?" at the top

Level 3: The buttons travel randomly, they're even smaller, and it says "Life!  The Universe!  Everything!" on top

Kudos to whoever gets the reference.

I'd also do this:

Objective: Pity!

Mr. T is on-screen.  (There is a sprite in EB that looks a lot like him)  Tap the people who look like fools, and Mr. T will pity them.  If you tap someone who looks smart, they'll say something like, "I'm in MENSA!".
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Blue Protoman

Only news from Nintendo so far regarding WW:MS! is that the name's been changed to WarioWare DIY.
BP's Domain
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It looks sweet and I may buy it, but I'm looking to get some other stuff before this.
Now you're playing with Power


Quote from: Rob64 on June 02, 2009, 07:50:56 pm
It looks sweet and I may buy it, but I'm looking to get some other stuff before this.

Like the new Metroid. :D


Metroid I may borrow from a friend of mine to try it and see if I like it because I've never played a metroid game. My first priority is actually wii sports resort, wii fit plus (for sasuke sake), NSMB, and SMG2, along with some of the old gaming stuff I'm still looking for at play n trade and digital press.
Now you're playing with Power

Blue Protoman

I heard this game will support DSi-exclusive features, most notably being the camera and SD cards.  (Woohoo!)
BP's Domain
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Got a source on that?  The Japanese version only supports stylus actions.

Blue Protoman

June 07, 2009, 05:58:06 am #12 Last Edit: June 07, 2009, 06:27:29 am by Blue Protoman
I'm talking about for developing the microgames, not for playing them.  I forgot the name of the place, and even if I remember, I can't copypaste it on a Wii.

EDIT: If I remember correctly, a highlight of the article was the number of XXX-microgames that would probably result.  That's all I remember, though.
BP's Domain
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Quote from: Blue Protoman, the inventor of awesome and radical new gameplay ideas

I'd make one in which you have to enter a Street Fighter II combo.

That is a bitchin idea!!   Heck, even a jokey wario style parody of it would rule :)
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Blue Protoman

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