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Food in Video Games Thread

Started by Jedi Master Baiter, May 21, 2009, 02:50:24 pm

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Jedi Master Baiter

May 21, 2009, 02:50:24 pm Last Edit: July 11, 2009, 06:19:10 pm by Jedi QuestMaster
Okay, not really.

But I do wonder what's on their minds when I look at various locations in Super Mario World:

-Donut Plains
-Vanilla Dome
-Soda Lake

And Mario Kart:

-Big Donut
-Frappé Snowland
-Choco Mountain
-Sherbet Land



Don't forget Mushroom Kingdom and Dinosaur Land!

You can do great things to dinosaur meat if you add a few mushrooms and proper seasoning. ;)


May 21, 2009, 04:34:21 pm #2 Last Edit: May 21, 2009, 06:11:20 pm by Byron
You forgot Cheese Bridge.

Edit: And I forgot Butter Bridge..


Mmh... donut plains.

I like the naming in Nintendo's games. Very imaginative.


Nintendo's naming has always given it's games a sort of fairy-talish flair.  I think that's partially why the games are so popular since it makes most people think about childhood.

Blue Protoman

But then it makes complete Microsoft/Sony fucks call Nintendo games things like "gay" or "childish".
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Let 'em. Who cares what idiots think.
I call them idiots because if you refuse to play certain games just because of who made them, that's exactly what you are.


They can say all they want but everyone knows that Classic Famicom/NES is the best gaming there ever was and ever will be.


On my school, those people are... a really big group... i wished my school was all retro gaming... nahhh.... they are not unique people, I AM!! MUAHAHAHAHAHAHAHHAHA

Blue Protoman

I was probably the only person in middle school who liked Nintendo.
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Jedi Master Baiter

Ditto - funny how everyone likes it now. :P

Blue Protoman

Don't forget, I'm a freshman.  Middle school wasn't that long ago for me.  :P
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Blue Protoman

I've always liked Nintendo.  I grew up on it.  Nintendo 64 was my first system, and Game Boy Color was my first handheld.
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/\ Same here. 

A few of my friends enjoy old games once in awhile, but most of them prefer next gen consoles over them.  The only thing I'm questioning now is whether I should put this video I have of two of them playing Super Team together ;D
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