Design: NES or Famicom

Started by Jedi Master Baiter, October 31, 2006, 06:59:42 am

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Which design looks better?

8 (21.6%)
29 (78.4%)

Total Members Voted: 36


Hahaha!  Even when I was little I never managed that.  Even today when I plug in my NES 101 I always use the adaptor that says "Use with NES 001 or NES 101 only" even though any NES adaptor will work.  I'm really cautious like that.

Jedi Master Baiter

What the... 'NES 001' both my adaptors, hmm, the person I bought my Toploader from gave me the wrong adaptor. ::)


Oh well... It doesn't matter that much (unless you're uber anal like myself  ;D )


I like Famicom because the top loader and the small size of the cartridges.
Long live to the Pirates !!!


For NES Toaster and Original Famicom... Original Famicom Wins!

For NES 101 Toploader and AV Famicom... NES 101 Toploader Wins!

I like 101's look but AV Famicom does have AV so it wins on that point, but a AV mod of 101 is quite simple; so AV Fami doesn't really have much on 101. The rounded bump on 101 looks better then AV's flat top, thats the only reason 101 wins cosmetically.


Have you ever taken a long look at an RF Famicom without it's controllers holstered? It looks terrible. With the controllers in place, it looks perfect...

turbo D

I think that the fc is better looking than the toaster. I can't really compare the nes101 and a/v fami since they look the same, but they are my favorite model.
FC HVC-001 HC4593710 CPU-GPM-02 1989
FDS HVC-022 D1072158 FD7201P 6602 + new belt!
My FF setup!


The Famicom's color (my favorite, btw), compact design, and second controller MICROPHONE all make me choose the Famicom as winner of best design.
Would you please sign my petition? Hopefully, it will get Another Code R released in America. The link is here:

Jedi Master Baiter

To all his own, I guess.  I still like the design of the NES - really '80s - like the DeLorean.

I'm using my NES controller + a RetroUSB cable to play Smash Bros. Brawl on someone's laptop. :P


The reason for that AV's flat top is so you can stick the RAM Adapter Cartridge for the Disk System in there without any wobble, but I agree that the NES version looks better.  So weird that the Famicom was RF-only, and then the NES 2 was RF-only, but the Japanese equivalent was AV... and the NES had both.  Even weirder that you could mode the NES for AV.  Why the heck wouldn't they put those inputs there if it's so easy? Augh.

I love the original Famicom to death, but its big overarching design flaw is the controller connection.  For some reason the cords come out the back even though they connect to the FRONT of the main board.  If you could unspool the cords and have them come out the front, you'd almost double the cable length,  MADNESS.

Making NES controllers that were designed to come unplugged was a good move on Nintendo's part, but everything else about that machine was terrible.  The VCR-style slot had too many problems.  Apart from pin-bending, the mechanism for keeping the chassis in the locked position is just ridiculous and flimsy.  Have you ever taken one apart (I have, to install new pins)?  It's amazing it works at all!


The original famicom design is a lot more appealing than the NES one, to me.

Same reason as to why I like this train:


Quote from: chiruno on November 08, 2008, 06:15:14 am
The original famicom design is a lot more appealing than the NES one, to me.

Same reason as to why I like this train:

Family Train!