Famicom Light Gun

Started by super56k, November 04, 2006, 08:52:28 pm

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Post your comments with your votes please.
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Just the gun, no holster, box, or games?


And which gun...pic or description?


Is it complete in box, or just the gun?


Oops, I guess that I was a little vague.  It is the official HVC-005 gun.  It is fully functional  The person who has it says that they are going to email photos to me, so, I guess that I will know about the box then.  I forgot that it comes with a holster.

I will bump this topic once I know more.
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I've sold a few guns before and I'd say average price is about $45 or so.  And this blows just the gun outta the water http://cgi.ebay.com/ws/eBayISAPI.dll?ViewItem&ih=018&sspagename=STRK%3AMESE%3AIT&viewitem=&item=280044164872&rd=1&rd=1


That is the COOLEST thing ever!


Please, someone make my day and outbid Tophuss.


Quote from: featherplucknfilms on November 07, 2006, 06:23:10 am
I've sold a few guns before and I'd say average price is about $45 or so.  And this blows just the gun outta the water http://cgi.ebay.com/ws/eBayISAPI.dll?ViewItem&ih=018&sspagename=STRK%3AMESE%3AIT&viewitem=&item=280044164872&rd=1&rd=1

That is so awesome!  But I am short on cash at the moment. :(

I hope those pictures arrive tomarrow.  If they do, I will post them here.
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Quote from: vealchop on November 07, 2006, 07:35:57 am
Please, someone make my day and outbid Tophuss.

Wow, damn. I did not expect that light gun set to go for so much. Um. Don't look at the high bidder, vealchop.


Sweet christ! Its gonna sell higher than the fucking Duck Hunt Light Beam System! I can't believe it!


For those who want a less expensive solution, it is possible to turn a nes lightgun into famicom compatable light gun.


Wow, it went over $200, impressive! At least I got my hands on the Pachinko controller haha! Small victory!


Damn. I'm so shocked and disheartened to see Famicom stuff go for such high prices (no offense featherpluck). But this is the reason why I find myself resorting more and more often to buying off Yahoo! Japan, or waiting around for good BINs and stuff in eBay stores. With Yahoo! Japan, it's akward for me to have to go through two layers (my contact and the seller) instead of one layer (just the seller) but somehow the prices still come out cheaper than eBay, for the most part. I see some of the best stuff go for cheap on Yahoo! Japan, stuff that would go for high prices on eBay...and luckily, I get to buy a bit of that stuff.


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