FS: More Famicom originals direct from China!

Started by Trenton_net, August 22, 2009, 09:51:18 am

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August 22, 2009, 09:51:18 am Last Edit: September 11, 2009, 07:33:56 am by Trenton_net

Hey Everyone,

Famicom fans, we have more originals destined to leave the obscurity of China into the hands of others! They are as follows:

Chrono Trigger
Dragon Quest 6
Dragon Quest 7
Pokemon Crystal
Pokemon Red
Pokemon Blue

Dragon Quest 7 (1 Units left)

Dragon Quest 6 - This is before they updated the box art to make it more blatently clear they are copying Dragon Quest! (SOLD OUT)

Chrono Trigger (SOLD OUT)

Pokemon Red (SOLD OUT)

Pokemon Blue (SOLD OUT)

Pokemon Crystal (Last unit on hold)

And since people always confuse these Pokemon games from the more popular/common hacks, here are screenshots of the manual just to clear things up!

Pokemon Red: Intro & Inventory managment.

Pokemon Red: Getting around the world of Pokemon and Battle System.

Pokemon Red: And more details for the game...

CAUTION: While these games were purchased from a store, they are Black Market items. That is, they were probably made by hand in some factory with little to no QC. While some games come virtually pristine, others can come with various defects which are par for the course (as far as Black Market goes). This includes box, manual, and label defects of various types, such as marks, dirt, bends, misalignments, or even torn/tearing. Some demo/sample items even get billed as new when clearly a save game already exists. Unfortunately, due to the nature of these kinds of items, it can’t be helped and all items are sold as-is.

As a result of this caution, I am billing these items as USED to be safe and to set expectations reasonably. Aside from that, they all come complete and include manuals and boxes (which, if you could find these titles otherwise, are virtually never provided!)

Asking: $39 per unit (Shipping depends on your location). Some games are the older versions in the MD type shockboxs and some are the newer versions in DS type shockboxs. Since these quantities are really small I'm just selling them all at the same (lower) price.


NOTE: To be fair to all users, all games are issued at random. I cannot mix and match carts, manuals, and boxs for people and there is no guarentee as to which ones you will get. This also goes for the units shown for picture purposes. Thanks for your understanding!


Some screenshots for the various types of Pokemon games and colors. In general, they all pretty much perform/look the same no matter which color or company you get it from. Just small variations in the engines and such... That, and story/map/pokemon of course.


i am trying so hard not to buy a pokemon game right now  :'( its soooo damn hard it looks amazing!

By the way I just got my copy of biohazard :D
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I'm glad the game arrived safe and sound. In regards to Pokemon, I have no idea if I will find any more from my cousins collection, so take that as you will.


Are these originals or pirates ? the title says originals....but they are pokemon  ???


He means pirated originals.

EDIT* Trenton_net, if you say it's random, then how come the last Pokemon Crystal is on hold?
I like to glitch old VHS tapes and turn them into visuals for live music events. Check out what I'm working on - www.instagram.com/tylerisneat


August 23, 2009, 01:25:18 pm #6 Last Edit: August 23, 2009, 01:30:45 pm by Trenton_net
Sorry if I wasn't clear. What I mean by random is that if you want a game (such as Dragon Quest 7) and there is more than one copy of it, then you get a random pick of that title. That is, opposed to me showing each person how many box's I have left, and have them pick.

It just prevents overhead as it would take forever, plus it stops people from going "I like that box and manual, but I want that cart from the other box since the label is slightly more center" and random stuff like that. Keeps things going faster and more fair for everyone since the last person to get a game won't always be stuck with the "crappyest" set of the litter. It's all distributed evenly and in the same sets as they came in.

So as to the original question, since there is only one Pokemon Crystal left, I just said the last unit is on hold.


Ah, ok.  Thanks for explaining that better, I wish I would've known that before they were almost all sold out. :(
I like to glitch old VHS tapes and turn them into visuals for live music events. Check out what I'm working on - www.instagram.com/tylerisneat


Do you post at Assembler first?   As soon as I visited your thread here Chrono was gone...

Any luck on finding a zelda at all?  Post on FW first ;)
My for Sale / Trade thread



I post on Assembler first because that community (of which I am a part of) is the most knowlegable when it comes to discussing rare games and prototypes. The messaging center is also much easier to use in terms of keeping track of orders and stuff. I know some people, like myself, who are members of both Famicom World and Assembler as well.

As for the Zelda  games, I have made progress and it is very likely to happen, but I don't like to talk about items I don't have on hand since its a bad practice.

So anyway, I'll try to keep both forums updated with the latest games, but the best thing to do is simply to check in often and PM fast. Because, there are some people here who NEVER sleep and PM me the instant a game goes up. I suspect because the games I have are impossible to find, its a chance they don't want to miss.


Quote from: nintendodorkAh, ok.  Thanks for explaining that better, I wish I would've known that before they were almost all sold out

Do you want to be on a waiting list? In case someone cancels an order? It's not very likely that will happen, but you never know!


Hmm I'm not sure assembler is the most knowledgable, the guys that post on there seem to jump to a lot of conclusions but there's a few who work in the industry and can see things in shades of grey.   I see your point though.  

I checked here pretty much as soon as it went up lol, how many Chrono's did you have?
My for Sale / Trade thread


I had 3, 1 was spoken for, 2 were snapped up instantly.


Quote from: Trenton_net on August 23, 2009, 03:04:48 pm
Quote from: nintendodorkAh, ok.  Thanks for explaining that better, I wish I would've known that before they were almost all sold out

Do you want to be on a waiting list? In case someone cancels an order? It's not very likely that will happen, but you never know!
If you're in North America, then sure!  Where are you located?
I like to glitch old VHS tapes and turn them into visuals for live music events. Check out what I'm working on - www.instagram.com/tylerisneat
