Kira's special: Unlicenced & pirated FC games {UPDATED}

Started by kirayamato, August 29, 2009, 05:45:48 pm

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Like i said dude, can you provide game lists for the multicarts?
So ends another chapter in the glorious legend of the Ninja... Until next time...


gundam 4 ever !!!


September 17, 2009, 06:56:06 am #17 Last Edit: September 17, 2009, 08:49:03 am by Trenton_net
You mention that that you threw the box's out due to shipping. Might I ask where are the manuals? For the Fire Emblem games they were CIB, so why where only some box's thrown out?


so.... i guess you dont know what games are on the multicarts??
So ends another chapter in the glorious legend of the Ninja... Until next time...


September 17, 2009, 09:32:33 pm #19 Last Edit: September 17, 2009, 09:40:58 pm by kirayamato
Here bud! it's done!
gundam 4 ever !!!


???? what fire elbem?? i
and i didn't keep the manuals with me to canada, so.
and at first i did not want to sell these, i know how to play the games well, so.
gundam 4 ever !!!


Hrm. Mind if I ask if your fluent in reading/writing Chinese? Lots of times Chinese titles are a little literal when they come up with titles for English games they try to copy. As an example, sometimes they write "Finger of Gold" in Chinese, but they really mean "Goldfinger" cheat codes. I just assumed they were refuring to the game Fire Emblem since many Waixing games just copy others.


gundam 4 ever !!!


Heh, well thats good to know (^_^); I'm a Canadian born Chinese by the way, which is why I ask because some of your translations look machine-like when converted to English. Example:

Romance of the Tree country V...

You really mean to say:

Romance of the Three Kingdoms V

But anyways, nice to know!


hahaha, lol, nah, i don't use google translate, and i'm kinda surprised you could get all 10 copies of these same 智力卡 from china, cause when i went back a month ago, all i could find is some remains of the FC games..covered in dust! and the stores were filled with PSP's and Wii's!
gundam 4 ever !!!


Your items are in the mail, they should arrive in a week or so. I am actually not sure, the time of arrival; because customs from both US and Canada is different.

Last time I sent something to Canada it took 2 weeks to arrive.
Customs really is a annoyance.


hahahah, our mans are really lazy here!
just like the cops, you could throw them donuts and they will fell for it!
gundam 4 ever !!!