Kira's special: Custom Famicom with a Custom Mouse and a OS.

Started by kirayamato, August 31, 2009, 02:20:58 pm

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Yeah, they have all kinds of variants of these in China.  They are really cool.  There's even a 16bit one.  Or at least its advertised as such, not that you can trust it to be true.  Could have been a Master System clone, but I'm assuming it was a famiclone with a 16bit OS...

Is there any way to make a PAL system work right on an NTSC TV?  I know next to nothing about electronics, but had a PAL DVD that worked fine on a NTSC TV with a DVD player by switching some options.  What if you ran the system through a DVD player like that?  I'm guessing a real converter would be expensive.


yup, i think so, eather mod it or just link it to your tv normally, but it might be black and white...
gundam 4 ever !!!


So got any buyers yet?  Thought something like this would go fast.  With that hilarious Windows game, its the coolest famiclone I've ever seen.  I'd buy it myself, but I'm already getting one.


lol, not yet, oh by the way, are you taiwanese?
from wat parts?
gundam 4 ever !!!


I'm American, but I've been studying Chinese in Taiwan after teaching a year in China.  I commend anyone who's ever learned a second language, particularly an eastern one or vise versa if your from Asia.  Its HARD!  Anyway, just got back from China?   What were you doing there...studying, teaching, working, visiting...?


oh, i'm a highschool student from canada, but i'm taking Mandrain in my school as an option, few month ago i just went back to china for the HSK scholorship trip. its a free trip,
and i probebly have a chinese background, so

i thought ur Taiwanese for a second, so...
gundam 4 ever !!!


Just wanted to contribute a bit to this thread...That clone system is indeed PAL....The Apex Tv's (as seen on his photos) can handle the 50Hz (I have one)...The clone system color frequency will not be supported though (again, as seen on the photos, giving the black & white screen)...Most CRT NTSC Tv sets can't even handle 50Hz, so a rolling screen picture will appear instead....

A mod might be possible but complicated, and some PAL to NTSC converters may not like this clone picture, sadly....

Nevertheless, good luck with the sale...


I have a PAL keyboard. I got it to work okay with a cheap ($20) PAL to NTSC converter. You'll need a TV that can adjust vertical hold to use it, since the picture will scroll on a tv that doesn't allow you to.


Yes, or as I mentioned, a TV that you can adjust the vertical hold on.  ;)


gundam 4 ever !!!

i heart yuna

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