Bramsworth's pirates sales thread UPDATED Dec. 12 09

Started by Bramsworth, September 22, 2009, 02:53:40 pm

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Sorry folks.


I read about it on a Japanese website years ago, and just recently another pirate collector told me he's heard of it too.

Hopefully it does exist. I might get a pic of it as he said he might have one.


Really? Way cool! I love snes to geneis conversions. And I love Kirby.
Sorry folks.


Last chance to make offers on the Famicom games guys. Else I might just try my luck on eBay(this doesn't include the multicart, just the boxed games).


Do you think you could talk to that pirate collector about the Kirby game? If you got it, how much would you sell it for?
Not like I could buy it or anything.
Sorry folks.


I thought it was obvious I'm searching myself  :D If I could get spare copies I'd sell a couple, though no idea on price as I'd have no idea what I'd be buying it for yet. I doubt I'll come across it though, this pirate collector said he's just "heard" of it, and may have a pic, nothing more. I have no leads on actually finding it yet sadly.

Plus without selling some of the stuff I have now I can't afford to get too many things. That's why they might be eBay'd soon, can't buy new things without making back what I lost last time.


Sorry folks.


Updated with Yang Family Warrior. Got so many other stuff but it was all things bought for people in private :D

I have one copy of Naruto(with the battery put back in place now) left that I lowered the price on, other's up for auction with the rest of the things I didn't sell.

Dante Vale

Could you take pics of the game. Hopefully the text is not in chinese.


Of Naruto or Yang?

Naruto of course is in  Chinese, since it's an RPG and it's from Nanjing; all their games are in Chinese.

Yang is just a side scrolling beat em' up, so it's not dependent on any text to get by.



What do the switches do on that Fami 5-in-1?  Does it use those instead of a menu to choose a game?
I like to glitch old VHS tapes and turn them into visuals for live music events. Check out what I'm working on -




FFX is a completely original GBC pirate. If anyone's interested you can see video here.

I probably should have pointed out what it is, but sort of felt people would know what it is already. :)