Oiroke (Sexy) Mario - Super Mario Bros. 2 Hack

Started by rising_stuff, November 16, 2009, 06:37:26 pm

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Does anyone have the .fds image for this game? If so, post or PM.


I had the ROM for this, i got it in a Super Mario Bros rom pack with hundreds of hacks, although i can't remember which site i got it from. I think either Romnation, Dope Roms or Rom Hustler.


Oh my god at least the kids didn't discover that, I hope.

Remastered in HD would be so kewl. xD

Lee Yo

I have "Super Nuderio" which is Mario running around naked but nothing like this.  :o

I'm gonna have to search for this Rom, it's much cooler.

Nice find Rising!



I got a strange clone of Super Mario Bros 2 (The Japanese one) and all I know from the seller is that it's called Oiroke Mario which I believe translates to Sexy Mario.  It seems to be exactly like Super Mario Bros 2 except some sprites are changed.  A bunch of sprites look like penises (mushrooms, goombas, etc.) and when you get a mushroom you turn into a big, naked lady.  It's both hilarious and terrifying.  Does anyone know anymore about this game?  Thanks.


Is it on disk? If so, I'd love to borrow & dump it. I could give you some free disk games if you'd like in exchange. Send me a PM if you're interested.


rising stuff is going to sell it to me at the end of summer i think


July 10, 2010, 03:28:50 pm #24 Last Edit: July 11, 2010, 08:15:56 pm by docmarionum1
Thanks to whoever merged this thread...that helps, a little bit at least.  (Or at least I know I'm not just crazy and seeing things.)  I'll see if I can get some videos of the game.

Edit:  Here's a video of it.  Sorry about the quality, I don't have a way to capture the video directly right now.  And about my seeming ineptness at the game..I'll chalk that up to being distracted by Mario's sexiness...yea.
