Chinese Original Zelda Phantom Hourglass Famicom

Started by thumper, November 28, 2009, 03:25:28 am

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Yeah, the fact is, these games are super cheap in China if you can find them in a store, and it's possible to order them directly from the manufacturer. They won't send to someone outside of China, but if you know someone who lives in China, you'd be looking at about $10+ the cost of shipping it to you. If you have to deal w/ a middleman that isn't a friend or relative, tho, they'll of course jack up the price on you.
Proud owner of Super Smash Games in Tacoma and Seattle


December 01, 2009, 10:16:18 am #16 Last Edit: December 01, 2009, 10:21:38 am by Trenton_net
If you’re located in China, yes buying from a store will be cheaper, but certainly not the cheapest. The cheapest is buying from flee market venders, but in those cases things start to get sketchy as many of their items are dirty or incomplete.

As for ordering direct from the manufacture, it is technically true you could do it, but it’s a total pain in the ass to do even for local Chinese people. First, you need get an order form, go to the post office, fill out by hand which games (in Chinese) your interested in ordering, pay upfront for your items (need Chinese bank account with appropriate documents), mail off your order, and then wait weeks for them to ship back what you wanted. It’s totally easier to just get it from a store that can buy in bulk. It would still cost you $15 to $20, depending on the games and system your talking, but it's so much more convinent.


December 01, 2009, 11:49:44 pm #17 Last Edit: December 02, 2009, 12:50:59 am by sumguy
Yeah...thing is, even in China is almost impossible to find a store that still has them since everyone is buying pirated Xbox 360 games and hacking their PSPs.  I'm not officially saying this yet, because I'm waiting until I get home (end of Dec.) to sell all the crap I bought in China and Taiwan, but I did find a few of these games that will be for sale soon...some Dragon Ball Z ones, Harvest Moon...few others I can't remember off hand.  I can't wait to get home (U.S.) after a year and a half away... :)

(Oh yeah, mobiusclimber, I'm "ebenezer" on ;)  We chatted there a bit about these things.  I need to get my username changed to match this one)


Well, glad you found some cool stuff and hope you had a great time, sumguy.

Since I haven't tried to order the Fami games yet, I'll take your word for it, trenton. But after having my wife's relatives try hard to find these Fami games for sale anywhere, I stumbled across the order form, so I'm just going to cross my fingers and hope that works out. None of them were able to find them in a store where they're at. Or market vendors for that matter.
Proud owner of Super Smash Games in Tacoma and Seattle


Heh. Hope it works out for you. I don't know if the ordering process has changed since then, but back in the day it was a real pain.


Alright, since Trenton has set his price at $39 for Minish Cap when he gets it I guess nobody else will pay anymore for it. Since I'm desperate for money right now I'm lowering the price to exactly that, excluding shipping.



Please do note that this isn't in "used" condition. It's practically new by pirate game standards. Just want to make that clear to everyone. It was bought new and I'm extremely clean with my collection.
Also just a reminder the price is the same as his games now too. I'm not sure if Trenton lives in Taiwan or what but the price of buying mine is much cheaper for shipping domestically(around $3). So nothing's stopping anyone who wants this game now from buying it.... man I must look desperate.


Heh, I live in Ontario Canada so shipping will be higher. But if it helps out I’ll officially declare a boycott on this game and won’t make any effort to stock it until your copy is sold. :-)


I may be interested!
Where are you shipping from?




Shipping is from California USA. If you're interested PM me.


Quote from: Trenton_net on December 11, 2009, 07:24:22 am
Heh, I live in Ontario Canada so shipping will be higher. But if it helps out I'll officially declare a boycott on this game and won't make any effort to stock it until your copy is sold. :-)

Haha. No need to go that far. All's fair in pirate selling..or something to that effect.


after all, free markets gave us these lovely little rip-offs right :)
My for Sale / Trade thread


So it looks like this still isn't selling. Seems everybody who messages me about it are only lurkers who don't ever bother coming back. I've decided to change price to be shipping included, so now the price is $39 shipped to anywhere in the US. International shipping though I'll have to ask for shipping separately. The shipping included price is only regular shipping, so if the buyer should want the package insured or anything that of course would be extra.

Let's consider this some kind of lame "Christmas sale" price.  ;)
It is also the very last time I'm lowering the price on this anymore, so no holding out on it hoping I'm going to keep getting desperate and lower it again!!  :P

