who has them all?

Started by lingolingo, January 10, 2010, 09:50:31 pm

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Does anybody have all the famicom games (without counting gold carts or special editions)?


I assume you also mean excluding pirates.  In which case, no one here on this board does. :P
I like to glitch old VHS tapes and turn them into visuals for live music events. Check out what I'm working on - www.instagram.com/tylerisneat


No one? why not? whats the deal, the famicom games are not very expensive, and neither difficult to find. I thought that with so many collectors here, there must be somebody with almost all.



Quote from: lingolingo on January 11, 2010, 06:55:11 am
No one? why not? whats the deal, the famicom games are not very expensive, and neither difficult to find. I thought that with so many collectors here, there must be somebody with almost all.

There are a couple of rarities that keep it from being an easy task.  Good luck finding a cheap Recca, for instance.  Also, shipping costs are a big issue with FC collectors outside of Japan.



Summer Carnival '92: Recca was a game used in a competition (although it was available for sale).  It's a pretty crazy shmup, especially considering the FC's hardware limitations.

More info:


January 11, 2010, 09:55:22 am #7 Last Edit: January 11, 2010, 09:59:06 am by UglyJoe
true, but Im making the collection without boxes so is not so expensive or difficult to find.  Great I heard about Recca. But anyway, when I will get them all I will let you know !  ;)

And the guy from the photos is ADOL, a french guy that has super famicom, pc engine and a lot more collections 100% completed. WHAT A BEAST! :o

mod edit: don't double post, please!


Even without boxes, you'll still have a bit of difficulty finding at least few, and Recca loose is still like $100 I think.

Plus, it's not complete until you get all the special editions and gold games.  And since there are only 4 (?) gold Rockman 4s in the world, you're gonna have to drop some serious cash for it.
I like to glitch old VHS tapes and turn them into visuals for live music events. Check out what I'm working on - www.instagram.com/tylerisneat


I am currently in the process of collecting all the Famicom carts (loose, and not including pirates).

At the moment I have 373 different carts, which is a little more than 1/3 of the total.  I don't have any of the particularly rare carts yet, nothing that retails for more than 3 - 4,000 yen or so per cart.

It has taken me a little over a year to get to this point.  I'm hoping to have them all (or at least almost all) within the next 3 years.

I'm keeping a blog of my collection, I'll try to put a picture of the whole 373 up sometime soon (along with updates on my progress, since I passed the 300 mark I've been slowing down quite a bit):



Quote from: nintendodork on January 11, 2010, 02:15:03 pm
Even without boxes, you'll still have a bit of difficulty finding at least few, and Recca loose is still like $100 I think.

Plus, it's not complete until you get all the special editions and gold games.  And since there are only 4 (?) gold Rockman 4s in the world, you're gonna have to drop some serious cash for it.

Well I think that if you have the average rockman 4 you dont need to own the gold cart because is the same game basically. I would only say that Recca would be the only one that would be a pain in the ass to get.


Recca is only a pain in the a** if you want it cheap. For the right price you don't have to search long, it's readily available on several internet shops.

I also played with the thought of getting all, but that would mean I'd get at least 600 games I don't like and most likely wouldn't play, so that would be a great waste.


I'm working on collecting games with sound expansion first and so far I have 68 percent of them (not including disks).


Quote from: lingolingo on January 11, 2010, 11:12:40 pm
Well I think that if you have the average rockman 4 you dont need to own the gold cart because is the same game basically. I would only say that Recca would be the only one that would be a pain in the ass to get.
Just saying if you want a complete collection, you'll have to hunt it down.  I agree that if you're not going to spend money on special carts, there's no reason to pay for all those shitty baseball and mahjong games.
I like to glitch old VHS tapes and turn them into visuals for live music events. Check out what I'm working on - www.instagram.com/tylerisneat


HAHAHA true my friend! but those are the ones I bought the first!!! The horrible majhong and baseball games!!!