Power Adaptors / Famicom Power Supply

Started by JC, August 20, 2006, 10:29:49 pm

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Yeah using the NES adapter with the Famicom is a big no-no. You'll have to check the voltage regulator and associated circuitry on both systems.


January 31, 2008, 10:52:29 pm #91 Last Edit: February 01, 2008, 06:44:51 pm by a.l.e.x00
Let's say the NES AC adapter damaged them. Can they be fixed? If I check the circuit boards, how would I know what is damaged, and how would I be able to repair it? No smoke, or any indication of them frying, ever happened. I don't even know if they got fried. I never even got them to work before.

Should my Famicom Disk System power up, by itself, not connected to the Famicom, is plugged in with the official AC adapter, or does it have to be connected to the Famicom? Even if my Famicom Disk System does not work, being plugged in with the official AC adapter, would putting batteries in make it work? I have one official Famicom AC adapter. Do I need two official ones, to get them both to work?


First, how is your electronics knowledge? So I know where to start ;). Can you recognize simple electronic components? Do you have a multimeter? Soldering iron? Know how to solder? etc.


Powering on a famicom without a game usually leaves a grey screen I thought?


Quote from: MaxXimus on January 31, 2008, 11:32:05 pm
Powering on a famicom without a game usually leaves a grey screen I thought?

Yeah, also it's going to be downright impossible to do any kind of troubleshooting with at least a multimeter. You need to check if power is reaching the 7805 voltage regulator, and then check if 5V are coming out of it.


I do not have the Famicom Disk System AC adapter. I only have the Famicom AC adapter. I have been using the Famicom AC adapter, after using the NES adapter on the Famicom Disk System. Would both not work for the Famicom Disk System? Would the Famicom AC adapter work for the Famicom Disk System? Maybe that is why the Famicom Disk System is not working. Could this be so?


NES ac adaptor will ruin both of those.

Famicom ac on disk system will ruin the disk system


Umm, no. It's the opposite. The NES adaptor will ruin them... :|

Also to the maker of this thread. It isn''t really nescessary to restate everything you said in your first post over and over again, especially when you are the only one really posting in this thread.


Please specify where do you live, to know things like local voltage, TV system and stuff.

Quote from: MaxXimus on February 01, 2008, 01:06:52 pm
Also to the maker of this thread. It isn''t really nescessary to restate everything you said in your first post over and over again, especially when you are the only one really posting in this thread.

Yeah, it gives me laziness to read the long thing all over again. Clear, concise data please ;).

And I'll say it again, you need AT LEAST a multimeter to do any kind of troubleshooting. Get a cheap one at your local Home Depot or something. To go further, you'll need a low wattage soldering iron and some electronics solder (60/40 with flux core is fine). Get the cheapest ones too, no need for fancy stuff. Also get two replacement adapters, 9VDC negative tip. Model 1 Genesis adapters will work fine for your Famicom and FDS :).


My super famicom AC Adaptor works on both  :)


Yeah, but we don't know if he lives in a 110-120 or 220-240V country. A SFC adapter on the latter would go *boom* with lotsa smoke and possible damage to the system.


Quote from: popibros1 on February 01, 2008, 02:26:47 pm
My super famicom AC Adaptor works on both  :)

The famicom and Super famicom AC's are the same...


maxximus read my post again

I said the NES ac does not work with the famicom or the disk system
and the Famicom AC does not work with disk system.

anyway, can we get a mod to CONSOLIDATE the posts in this thread? or just make me a mod  ;D


Quote from: kite200 on February 01, 2008, 03:01:56 pm
I said the NES ac does not work with the famicom or the disk system

I totally agree with that.

Quote from: kite200 on February 01, 2008, 03:01:56 pm
and the Famicom AC does not work with disk system.

Why? FW says they're the same. Technicals please ;).


You said they will both "ruin" the system.

All I've ever heard is that the FDS works with a famicom adaptor.