Possible to make an NES AC to SNES Mod?

Started by satoshi_matrix, April 28, 2010, 11:09:10 pm

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June 03, 2010, 02:11:48 pm #15 Last Edit: June 03, 2010, 04:29:09 pm by ericj
On the side where you plug the ac adapter into, there is a center pin and a ring part. The parts you have labeled as 1 & 2, I have called "legs" for lack of a better term. You want to find out which "leg" corresponds to which point (center pin or ring) on the side of the plug you connect the adapter to. Compare between the NES & SNES ports and see if they match. I can't state it any simpler, but maybe someone else can.

EDIT: So, does the NES plug match the SNES plug layout? If so, solder it in as-is.

I'm pretty sure you can't use a NES AC Adapter on your SNES. But, you can use a Famicom or Genesis (Model 1) adapter, I believe (10VDC @ 850mA, C-).


Thanks for your help ericj. For the record yes, it's a direct conversion. I did it last night and my SNES now has an NES/Genesis/TG-16 style AC port.

You're right about the NES AC adapter as well. That thing outputs 9v AC which wwould fry an SNES. I used a Mark 1 Genesis AC adapter instead which gives the needed 9v DC.

I like how the adapter says "Only for use with the Sega Genesis console"



Well, reading this. I have been using a regular Sfamicom system, with a genesis plug. Apparently when Nintendo moved the Sfamicom to the US, they propertorize the power block.

I forget, could a NES adapter be used in a genesis or vice versa. I remember the NES could take just about any adapter lying around at the time.


As far as I understand it, the NES AC Adapter outputs 9v AC, not DC. Using it with anything else is a sure fire way to short it out.