Game Identification

Started by Doc, July 30, 2006, 12:16:18 am

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June 19, 2008, 07:52:34 pm #465 Last Edit: June 19, 2008, 08:00:09 pm by ericj
Upper left is Hino no Tori and I have a pirate disk that has the same image as the bottom right, so I think it's Adventure Island, since that's what's on my disk. Could be wrong on that last one, though. In fact, my disk version has Game Doctor written on it and the levels are different than the official version, not to mention it's really glitchy. The other two, I have no idea  :P


Not adventure Island, It's Bug-tte Honey.

It's bad.


June 19, 2008, 08:02:40 pm #467 Last Edit: June 19, 2008, 08:11:48 pm by UglyJoe
Upper-right is Pocket Zaurus - Juu Ouken no Nazo.
Bottom-right is Takahashi Meijin no Bug-tte Honey.
Lower-left is Madoola no Tsubasa.
Upper-left is Hi no Tori (not Hino no Tori)


I'm interested in the game's title, but also the titles in the second pic: HERE.

AB Positive

well here's what I get from the first pic, my nihongo is very rusty though...

the top of the turtle thing just says "Disk System"

the large characters on the book item say "Control", I don't know the kanji part above it (although the last character usually means "woman" or "girl")

second pic

top left: first line too small but the bottom line is Sutajiokatto - Stage Cart?

top right: Quiz... something... Olympic... Watanabe Wataru?

bottom left: top line I don't know, bottom row "Moving School"

bottom right: this is actually a larger version of the top line to the top right... "Quiz ??? Olympic"
Just started the fami collection... want to finish a pulse line collection to start. :)


Ah ok. I think I've heard of all those games. I was curious if perhaps some of the upcoming releases were never released. Thanks.


A while ago I bought this Famicom Disk game lot on ebay and this game came in the lot. The game is written on a Zelda 2 disk so I don't know how the label looks like. The game looks so random and weird and I don't understand most of it. The game was made by Sunsoft and it seems to have 6 different games on it. I only understand the first two games but the other games are completely in japanese and seem to be text games. I looked in the Disk game list on Famicom World to maybe find what the title could be, and judging by the title screen and the game list would the game be ''Nazoler Land Dai 2 Gou'' ? I took some pics of the title screen and games;

Title screen and game selection menu;

In the first game you need to flip tiles vertically and horizontally so all the tiles match with the same colour. Pretty hard game actually;

In this game your a school girl who needs to bomb your way down through platforms to reach the goal ???

This is some kind of a quiz game. It has a 3 and 4 player option so I guess you'd need to add some kind of multi tap adapter in the ext. plug of the Famicom if you want to add two extra controllers.

Some kind of a text game;

This game doesn't make any sense to me at all.

Judging from the ''BOX'' title and the fact that the girl reads letters I guess this some kind of a News letter game. Looks really interesting and probably has the best music in the whole game but I don't understand a single word in this game  :-[

Does anyone else own that game? And is there some kind of story that links to all the games? I really would like to know more about this game so any information would be appreciated. ;)


Wow! Really cool disk!  :o

Is it a pirate or original? You have any artwork? Pics?


Unfortunately I don't have any artwork for this game; it's a loose disk only. And yes it's an official game developped by Sunsoft. I was thinking of recording a movie and putting it up on youtube but i dunno :P


Do it! I do that for my weird games :D.



I like the selection menu.


Lovin' that menu screen, as well. I'd like to grab a emulation screen to make use of the disk and FDS sprites.


July 04, 2008, 03:00:24 pm #477 Last Edit: July 04, 2008, 03:09:44 pm by keiffer01
So here is a link to a video that I filmed last night that shows some of the gameplay of my weird game! :P I filmed the last game longer because I would REALLY enjoy to see maybe someone translate it for me. I'm intrigued to see what the girl is talking about :)

*I just realised that the video screen is maybe a little too small to read so i might upload it agan to make it bigger and replace the link.


so...did anybody see it yet? :-X


I did. I liked the Patalick game... looks like a brain scrambler   :P
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