Game Identification

Started by Doc, July 30, 2006, 12:16:18 am

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Can anyone give me a list of all the games on the Power Joy PJ-008's actual names?

The power joy is HERE


Hmm...that takes viewing each title screen to confirm each one. I dared not do that on any multicarts I listed on the site because of the time it'd take. That's why you see the stupid select screen names.


If I were to take a picture of every single title screen (because I'm a nerd like that), would you identify the ones I don't know?


Absolutely. I don't mind scrolling through each screen on my PJ-008, but I don't have the time today. Shots of the ones you don't know would be easier.


I'll do it in a couple of days, don't have time myself now.


Anyone recognize the "Kick Master" game: HERE.

This, too: HERE


It looks like the white disk is some sort of prototype disk maybe?. That would be an interesting find. Are you thinking of getting it? If not, I might be interested in it.


Don't know about the first one, but the second one says it's a "white disk card for development".
On the back the disk says "Smash Ping Pong".



Ah, nice. So, it looks like the proto might be a blank, with Side A having been replaced by Smash Ping Pong. I want to get myself a white disk at some point, but I want with with Side A's label intact, mostly just to scan for the site.

And the Kick Master explains why that damn meg dude is bidding. He buys all of YHJ's unique pirates, especially NES-exclusive releases. Thx.




Ooooo. So a port? Nice. Hadn't heard of that one yet. I'll add it to the list and see if I can get me a copy.