Game Identification

Started by Doc, July 30, 2006, 12:16:18 am

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I recently purchased a large lot of Famicom games.  While I've been waiting for them to come in I've been trying to find out the identity of all of the carts.  Out of a total of 104, I've been able to identify 102 but there are two that I'm having trouble with.  I was hoping that someone here would be able to help me (sorry about the smallness of the photos and I can post better ones once the games come in this week):


The white one is Keiba Simulation - Honmei.

The green one is Keisan Game: Sansuu 4 Toshi.


Just for correctness:

4 toshi should be 4 nen.

Tha kanji alone is read "toshi", but if you say what year in conjunction it is read "nen".


I copy/pasted from gamefaqs, so I'm sure you're right ;D


Don't get me started on gamefaqs!
I especially signed up and sent them corrections for several titles and never even got a response. Needless to say, all titles I tried to correct are still false. I wonder why sites like that don't WANT correct titles for their lists... >:(


They probably never pay attention to people with knowledge...they're too good for that ::)
I hate sites that have a bunch of games in their database with nothing more in the when I google something, the first result is "IGN.COM- WE'VE GOT CHEATS, WALKTHROUGHS, PHOTOS, AND TRAILERS FOR <insert game you are trying to look for here>"
I like to glitch old VHS tapes and turn them into visuals for live music events. Check out what I'm working on -


Oh yeah, count me in on that, too. I hate those sites.



Red Arremer II (aka, Gargoyle's Quest II)



/\  Yeah, I've never seen that before, and I can't seem to search it out on the net for more information.


That looks really weird. Text sayas Mario becomes a woman when he takes a mushroom. ;D


Maybe someone was just messing around -- not a widespread hack. Looks kinda dumb anyway -- just a main character hacks.

How about this one -- Dragon Knife? The title screen looks crappy enough for it to be an unlicensed original or hack:


Definitely original. One of Nanjing or Waxing games on mapper 163. But can't find if it dumped or not. Just a lot of chinese originals was released for last year.


My experience has been that this type of cart is just your plain old pirate, but I've never seen this label before: