Game Identification

Started by Doc, July 30, 2006, 12:16:18 am

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some of my stuff: twitter // super multi // handheld underground


Is there a famicom version of this with different sprites and title?  It'd be weird if this only came to the PAL region, from Konami.


nope, only a PAL version as far as I know. it was only published by Konami anyway, the developer (Source Research & Development) was British.
some of my stuff: twitter // super multi // handheld underground


After a lot of spoofing around, i thought i'd register to these forums and ask my question here.
'Game identification' doesn't apply entirely since what i am looking for is related to Multicarts.  :P

I saw several people on these forums here, talking about them.
Some of them even made extensive listings about the games that are on the cartridge... :)

So here goes....
When i was a little kid (approx. around 1993) my dad took me by suprise and we went to see this man which modded my NES!
This very man, sold us a Multicart which i recall had 360 games on it (trainers included).
It was a yellow Famicom cartridge that fitted into my PAL NES using a small black adapter.
Another noteable detail i remember was, that the menu had a guy on a dirt bike along the side in a wheelie position.

Now heres the thing...after looking at Multicart listings and youtube movies for almost 2 days...i came to a pretty interesting conclusion....
I know simply every single game i come accross!
So even though in general, most multicarts contain around 30 games with the rest of them being hacks/trainers i was thinking the multicart i used to have must have been something with above average quality.
There were so many games on there compared to the ratio i see on other carts...

Now, i must admit... a friend of mine had the pretty popular 260in1 cartridge (with the Wild Ball game ;))
and i guess i'm adding all of those games to my equation as well...

But my bottom line is....amongst everyone here who have quite the knowledge/experience on this subject.
Is there a sort of... 'standard' or 'best' multicart cartridge?
One that has the biggest collection of games? (one that has almost every, if not all of those games considered pretty rare such as:
Mighty Bomb Jack, Spelunker, Challenger and Thexder etc).

During my search i also came across a 5000 in 1 multicart very similar looking to the one i had.
If the cover implies anything about the content quality then i'm guessing it could be the ultimate multicart to play...
Has anyone ever come across it, or better yet...owns a dump of this cart? :)

Thanks in advance for any info and for reading my pretty extensive post. :P


Haven't been here in ages, but just remembered a game I still miss. If I remember correctly it was a fighting game set in a castle. Out of the games I've checked out Castle of Dragon looks most like it but I believe it was a 1vs1 fighting game

and now that I'm here I guess it doesn't hurt to ask if someone can fill my list. I got this 765 (I think) games in 1 cartridge with hundreds of repeats. So far I've found
Adventure Island
Adventures of Dino Riki
Antarctic Adventure
Balloon Fight
Battle City
Binary Land
Circus Charlie
Demon World
Dig Dug 1 & 2
Donkey Kong, JR, 3
Duck Hunt
Field Combat
Hogans Alley
Lode Runner
Mario Bros
Ninja Kun
Star Force
Super Mario Bros
Wild Gunman

Does that list ring a bell? Anything I'm missing?


February 09, 2011, 09:32:06 am #995 Last Edit: February 09, 2011, 11:14:14 am by NessPJ
Games that come to mind when i read your description:

Kung fu:


Jackie chan's action kung fu:


No it's not any of those. It didn't have that strong japanese style to it. It was more western medieval although I guess it could also have been a beat em up but the screen wasn't full of enemies who go down with 1 hit.

But while looking through Youtube videos atleast I found out I was still missing Wrecking Crew, one of my favorites back then



Alright, here's all I got:

- Black Standard Famicom Cartridge
- Capcom Game
- The sticker has a male anime-esque character and he might be holding some kind of cement sledge hammer

I always see it but never remember the title, and I wonder what kind of game it might be.

I know it's not a lot to go by... Anyone got any ideas?


you need to give a little more information
Selling  Japanese games in Sweden since 2011 (as "japanspel").


Tatakai no Banka (Trojan) maybe?
some of my stuff: twitter // super multi // handheld underground


February 13, 2011, 06:34:37 pm #1001 Last Edit: February 13, 2011, 06:53:30 pm by tappybot
Nope, it's not that one.  I don't think it has that old Capcom logo on the left side, just the new one, so I think it's a 90's game.

Sorry that's all I have for now.  Maybe next time I go to the store I'll bring a notepad and pen.

edit:   I swear it's Capcom, but I can't find it on any list of Capcom famicom games.  Hmm..   When I figure it out I'll post it here.


Maybe you imagined the game? Lol. :star:


haha noo it's real I tell you!  :crazy:

Been browsing every auction and image I can find of famicom games hoping to stumble across an image... well it sort of looks like this:

.. but it's not that.


Tip: When you see something you want to research later, make a snapshot of it with your cell phone.