WANTED: Cheap Famiclone keyboard unit

Started by DHrox, July 08, 2010, 09:38:01 am

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Actually, I had no intention to go to the manufacture. I was going to go to local dealers/suppliers to obtain the necessary quantities. Perhaps in the realm of 10pcs? If the quantity is just 1 or 2 pcs, it wouldn't be worth while.


Oh. I thought you were considering ordering from a manufacturer. lol

How much are your guys charging per system? The price you listed on the previous page?


July 13, 2010, 08:24:52 am #17 Last Edit: July 13, 2010, 08:32:14 am by Trenton_net
Real cost to a buyer would be $49 + shipping. Actual unit cost would depend on the local distributors, but it's in the $17 to $20 realm. The remainder of the funds would be divided among all people running around doing the actual grunt work in China, as well as a small amount for personal time.

Depending on available stock, perhaps even a small order of just 5pcs might be feasible. I dunno, but I'll have to check with my cousin in China to see.

Baring in mind that shipping will likely be steep, is anyone actually interested in getting in on a keyboard? If we get at least 5pcs to be spoken for, at least I can start looking into what models are available and peoples preference (if any).


I'm interested in one if you can get a NTSC version. I have a PAL version now.


Hrm... Unfortunately, there's no real way to know which we'll get. In China they use PAL, but also NTSC in some parts. Many TV's in China can accept both signals. Since many sellers don't really know the difference between PAL/NTSC I doubt they could clarify it but I can always ask. However, as with everything in China, it's a calculated risk.


Yeah. I worry about that. Oh well. There ain't many other ways to get these things outside of ordering them through another member here. But I don't want to make him get a bunch if he's only going to be paid shipping and the price of the system. :/


Well, it might not be a big slice of the pie but everyone gets at least a few crumbs to keep.


Oh well. I'm probably gonna wait out to see if anything shows up around here.


I might end up getting a few keyboards in as a gamble anyway. When I do take some stock of them, I'll let people know if they are interested in getting one.


*raises hand and wiggles it around frantically*

I've picked up some software on cartridge that I've been dying to try out.
>>>Current Collection<<< Updated 8/20/2014

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lol MS-DOS4. I don't even know if I can use it yet, so i'll wait to see.


What's the name of that charity that sends these around in the 3rd world?  Maybe there could be something said for talking to them...
My for Sale / Trade thread


I am actually a volunteer for them: Playpower, it is. They actually have to buy their own units from the manufacturers, so no dodging the bullet here.


There's a cheap one on ebay right now, just a heads up.



Looks suspiciously like that other Famiclone that was trying to sell on ebay at over 90+ used (Without even shipping), and came with no mouse. Maybe the seller finally got wise?

As for importing a few Famiclone keyboards, unfortunately I've come down with a nasty cold so I haven't really done any work to move on that yet. Hopefully once I recover it will proceed as normal.