Iwata Asks - Super Mario 25th Anniversary

Started by UglyJoe, October 07, 2010, 09:01:12 pm

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October 07, 2010, 09:01:12 pm Last Edit: October 07, 2010, 09:17:40 pm by UglyJoe
Not sure if all of you keep up with the excellent "Iwata Asks" series, but the latest one deals with the early history of Famicom development.  Some very interesting insider stuff here.



Is this the mysterious first-gen FC problem?

But that wasn't on purpose. We just couldn't make enough. What's more, problems were appearing one after the other. One example was the "disappearing ball"...

That was a bug which caused the ball or white lines in  Baseball to disappear under certain circumstances.

We had stretched to make it, so the thermal design was insufficient and it would heat up fast, causing the sprite for quickly displaying the graphics to disappear. Another problem was the  square buttons on the controller. They would get stuck down.


I read all the pages of the article, and I was quite impressed how Famicom became a reality. Great read!

Portopia Renzoku Satsujin Jiken, what is this game like? It was in the article, does anyone own a copy?


These are always interesting reads. Thanks for posting UglyJoe.


Quote from: The Uninvited Gremlin on October 08, 2010, 09:37:38 am
Portopia Renzoku Satsujin Jiken, what is this game like? It was in the article, does anyone own a copy?

It's a point-and-click adventure.  A fan translation exists: http://www.romhacking.net/trans/764/


Sorry folks.


Wicked, it's the game type I tend to play most; I need to find myself a copy and a printable text sheet with translations.