cool article about why some classic consoles experience yellowing

Started by vealchop, January 12, 2007, 07:58:45 pm

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Retro Gaming Life


You won't believe how much of a hero you are for posting that, veal. :)

Jedi Master Baiter

January 13, 2007, 10:02:47 am #3 Last Edit: January 14, 2007, 03:00:44 pm by Jedi QuestMaster
Lucky me - my blinds don't open all the way & not much sunlight gets into my room. :)

That's nice to know. Maybe that's why console manuracturer's are avoiding gray now? Not because it looks tacky. :P


I think it's the tackiness more than anything. :P

I bought an SNES at a garage sale recently with this problem. It's twice as yellow as the one in the image.

My Famicom is also a slight yellow-ish tint, but to be honest, I'm still using and playing it. Who cares about what condition it's in?

Jedi Master Baiter



Retro Gaming Life