150 loose NES games = one recca cart

Started by chazbc24, November 08, 2010, 02:36:25 pm

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Yup, traded my malignant growth of a collection for my new pride n joy. Brought the hoard to 8-bit and up, NYC in a suitcase. I know i definitely came out at a loss (if i sold the carts individually on ebay i couldve made well over 600 bucks), but im sooo over NES and having a mountain of games right now i just wanted them to go away. I did keep a few games though... DQ 3,4 Ninja Gaiden123, Sweet Home repo, Crystalis, Princess Tomato. Mostly shit i wouldnt be able to play fami-wise.

P.S. I have to thank JewWario while im posting anyways for his excellent "you can play this" videos which really guided me into making the swap from hamburgers to sushi. Best tip he's given is that fami carts have the same dimensions as cassette cases.


That truly was an awful deal.  You lost a considerable amount of profit through that, and with the money you could've made, you could've bought a complete Recca for around $300 or so.
I like to glitch old VHS tapes and turn them into visuals for live music events. Check out what I'm working on - www.instagram.com/tylerisneat

Tim Sorenson

Honestly, I can't believe anyone would do that.


Quote from: Tim Sorenson on November 08, 2010, 04:56:59 pm
Honestly, I can't believe anyone would do that.

Me either, but if he's happy, he's happy.
Check out my blog at http://blog.thewombat.org - I review flash carts and other stuff!


just for laughs, care to list the games you traded? If most are dreck then it might be a little more forgivable.


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Sounds like you really wanted out of NES collecting, and *really* wanted a Recca cart! If you are happy with your trade, that is all that matters. I've traded heavy to get things I wanted before (traded an Odyssey 2, and a FC Twin clone console to get a Jaguar once. Also traded 3 carts to get a rare pirate cart for the Atari). I've never traded as heavily in the other party's favor as the OP though. If both parties are satisfied, then the trade was fair. It's really a matter of personal goals, motivations, and perceptions.

I went the pirate cart route for my copy of Recca... no regrets. Plays great, though it is a little dinged up on the outside. Had to get it from a member in South America. Got it at a modest price, and had to wait forever for it to arrive (as I cannot change global logistics)...was it worth it? Sure.


your gonna hate me for this. here are a few key items i sold
i can remember off the top of my head.

snow bros
ducktales 2
double dragon vs battletoads
north and south
mega man 1,2,3,4,5,6
adventure island 3
lolo 2
mighty final fight

and of course my repo of recca pure

anyways the pile represented a part of my life i wanted to get behind me (ex girlfriend, ex town, ex career). it was more like 100 games, i believe. i have little to no patience for ebay,craigslist. or any other shit. ahh zen.


Remember guys, for every one-sided deal like this, there's always the guy on the other end who scores big time.  While I don't ever see myself trading 100+ games for 1 game, I certainly wouldn't mind getting 100+ games for 1 game ;D


Figure, four dollars average per NES game.
Six-hundred dollars in total.
A Recca costs about three-hundred dollars.
You got scammed.
Human after all...