Do you buy games for consoles you don't own?

Started by FamicomRetroGamer, November 10, 2010, 03:30:15 am

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Call me crazy but I buy games that are really cheap and even though I don't yet own the systems, it doesn't really matter because it's more for collecting.

PS3 has bored me out of gaming and so I'm looking forward to buy an Xbox 360 + Kinect, please don't be a retard and start bitching about consoles.

Xbox 1 is awesome, I love the green cover and the games, especially OutRun 2 and the Dead or Alive series. Doom 3 also.

Not risking buying games for Sega Megadrive because last time I bought a non-working Sonic I copy which then I had to buy another one, with discs it's possible to check the health of it, but cartridges unless you own the console you can't. It looked as new but it didn't work.

Anyway, I hate quitters, yesterday I was playing a football match on FIFA 09 (PS3) online and because I was winning the other guy terminated the match, how lame is that. He could've tried to score because there was a lot of time still ongoing.


Yep, I 've bought 3 Sonic cartridges for SMS even before I even knew I will someday own this system. Also one GBA Sonic. But it's related to my craze about Sonic games.


I've bought games for consoles I didn't own at the time - Pokemon Crystal before I got a GBC/GBA, Lagrange Point before I got a Famicom... and now Macross 2036 when I don't have a PC Engine CD unit (yet!).  Those were games I wanted to have for consoles I was planning to buy - the games just happened to show up first, and I didn't know when I'd ever see them again!  :D 


Can't say that I have.  I've considered it, like maybe getting that ICO + SotC HD remake bundle for the PS3, but I'm just gonna wait until I eventually get a PS3.  ICO may be rare, but SotC is very common, so I'm hoping the remakes remain very common.


Ill do this often. I like to call it "preperation  for future invesments".


I only would do this if it was a game for a console I plan to own in the near future. If I bought something, it would be because I wanted to play it. I don't buy games just to have them 99% of the time; having them is nice, but playing them is better! If I bought a game I wanted to play for a system I didn't have, it would just tempt me until I bought the system.
Check out my blog at - I review flash carts and other stuff!


Sometimes I bought/buy games for consoles I don't own.
But nowadays I have almost every console there is (since the mid 80s), so it's hard to buy games for consoles I don't have.  :D

Jedi Master Baiter

For quite a while I've had Sonic 3 with no Genesis - I honestly forgot where it came from! :o

But then I got a Genesis, & already bought the Sonic Collection. :-\

Still played it for a little bit & noticed one significant difference - I did much better when playing on its natural born console. ;)

I also used to buy FC games without a Famicom. :P


I think that's my problem. Ill buy it not because I want to play it, but because its rare or obscure.


i bought 5 SFC games before getting an actual super famicom 4 months later


I bought Super Mario USA before I even owned a Famicom, so I had to use a Gyromite Converter to play it on my Toaster NES.


Not really about consoles but oh well...

Two weeks ago I saw an Alone in the Dark II game on FLOPPY DISKS for sale at a local flea market. It was still in the box, the kinda huge ass box that PC games used to come in where the floppies actually only took 0,5% of the space of the box. The box was still sealed in plastic wrapping and I almost bought the game, although it can be downloaded for free today.
My better half talked me out of it with the reasoning that my PC doesn't even have a floppy drive. Not that I wanted to play the game, it's a terrible game. But something inside said that this could be worth some money later on. That thing inside me was probably wrong though, good thing I left it there.  :D


I do the opposite. I buy consoles just so I'll have a good reason to buy games for it if I find any when I'm out and about.

I bought my atari so if I found cheap carts for it I wouldn't feel guilty about buying them.
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Quote from: The Uninvited Gremlin on November 17, 2010, 10:32:22 pm
Quote from: linkzpikachu on November 13, 2010, 05:51:58 am
i bought 5 SFC games before getting an actual super famicom 4 months later

I love Super Famicom, it is the best! Truly it is!
SNES has nothing on Super Famicom!

I bought a Pro Action replay MK3 just so I could play SFC games on my SNES. But beofre I had one, I had to modify my SNES mini to use the Super Game Boy 2 on it along with Syvalian.


Quote from: MS-DOS4 on November 18, 2010, 01:40:46 pm
I do the opposite. I buy consoles just so I'll have a good reason to buy games for it if I find any when I'm out and about.

I bought my atari so if I found cheap carts for it I wouldn't feel guilty about buying them.

ill do this too. i got a NGPC with just one game but plan on getting more, same with my colecovision (if i could get the damn thing to work....)