I am building an FDS copying website

Started by seeb49, November 30, 2010, 07:14:16 pm

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November 30, 2010, 07:14:16 pm Last Edit: January 23, 2011, 10:27:00 pm by seeb49
 Okay, I'm not really sure how to start this off and I almost feel stupid doing this, so I guess I'll just try to go from the top. I'm building a website dedicated to FDS copying. My goal is to have a newb-friendly site (newb-friendly being the key here, as I am a newb myself (is it newb or noob?)) of full tutorials detailing the many ways to read/write/copy FDS disks. So far I have a page on Copy Programs (Disk Keeper, Copymaster, etc.), a page on copiers (TGD4+, Game Doctor, etc.), and I've started writing my first full tutorial on how to write a .fds image from a PC to a blank FDS disk.

The problem is I'm a high school student with very little knowledge in web-site building and "techy" stuff, so my knowledge ends there. I know there are many other ways to do such things but I can never find full tutorials on them, and if I do they're usually in Chinese or Japanese (unfortunately Google Translate fails miserably with those particular languages). So I'm going to need some help. My email is posted on the homepage of the site, so if there is anything you wish to contribute (read/write/copy methods, corrections, etc.) please let me know. I'm trying to revive interest in the FDS area and make this stuff easier for begginers, so if this site is succesful you might thank me one day. Here is the link: https://sites.google.com/site/diskcopier/. It's not on Google or anything because I know nothing about SEO.

Btw, it seems wrong to "advertise" like this in the forum, but I don't see anything against it in the rules so... well I hope I didn't break any rules.

edit: Oh... nevermind, apparently ericj has it covered...


Its kind of a unwritten rule that its bad to advertise sites that will die/ are old ideas ::) this is pretty cool. I can't help you with information, but ill definantly check it out!


I can provide some internal & external pics of copier units and help edit the tutorials on your site if you're interested.


Quote from: ericj on December 01, 2010, 04:57:19 pm
I can provide some internal & external pics of copier units and help edit the tutorials on your site if you're interested.

That'd be great. What copiers are we talking about?


I have an MGD1, TGD6M, Super GD4M, GD2M, Venus Game Converter, Magicard II Turbo, Turbo Game Doctor 4+, and Game Saver (for use with the TGD6M/+ & TGD4+). I just need to get my light box set back up so I can snap some good pics.

I also have hundreds of game doctor disks (many with the pirate disk insert covers), if you'd like to include any pics of those.


Quote from: ericj on December 01, 2010, 07:08:28 pm
I have an MGD1, TGD6M, Super GD4M, GD2M, Venus Game Converter, Magicard II Turbo, Turbo Game Doctor 4+, and Game Saver (for use with the TGD6M/+ & TGD4+). I just need to get my light box set back up so I can snap some good pics.

I also have hundreds of game doctor disks (many with the pirate disk insert covers), if you'd like to include any pics of those.

Wow, definite yes for both of those. Just send me an email when they're ready, and take your time, it's not like I need them asap.